
Monday, October 31, 2005

quack quack

Argh!! I had another stupid dream last night.
I dreamt of myself being a gigolo.... of all things, a GIGOLO!!! Yes I was like serving rich tai-tais whose husbands are too busy with their business or too busy having fun with their mistresses.... and I would be on 24/7 standby, ready to respond to any phone calls from my clients... (I have heard of it, it is worse than national service activation..)

Must be Rizwan and Ameet's fault for talking about "The 40 years old virgin" and "Deuce Bigalow: The European Gigolo" during our group project discussion. I don't want to be a 40 ye..a...r...... [voice trailing off...]

This gigolo thing is like "eating soft rice", with the rich ladies feeding you (i suppose with money and not other things) Haha reminds me of SQ telling me to advertise on my Friendster "22 m want to eat soft rice!" during the time when I was counselling HIM on relationship crap. Then also reminds me of me and Alex joking of kidnapping Nicholl....

ARGHHH!!! What am I doing!!

black market arms deal

Time: 0845hrs
Location: Raffles Place MRT

It was a rainy Monday morning. At the busy Raffles Place MRT station, a formally dressed man was seen having transaction with a kid in berms and sandals... Within a few minutes the deal was closed, with the kid handing over the suspicious looking package of weapon-grade uranium...

Ok cut the crap. This morning I skipped Maths tutorial to make the transaction with my yahoo auction customer. I am not any black market arms trader, I was just selling my 4 extra Kubricks display cases. Sigh... nice me was thinking since it is second hand sale, might as well sell it at a lower price. I bought them in at around $24 for 8, and now I'm selling them at $2.6 per case. Somemore I took an MRT there, spent a few dozen cents instead of using my bus e-pass, then my customer has no loose change, so I was "forced" to give him discount... $2.5 each x 4.

Later when I saw Wei Chuan in lecture, he told me the client is supposed to go to the seller, not the other way round.. sharks!! And of course I have every right not to sell it... (there were 2 bidders, now with the 40 cents discount it is as good as the first bid) I feel like it is not doing justice to the first bidder, but then why didn't he place the 3rd bid?

Thinking and thinking, I could have made that freak come to Clementi to do the transaction. Why must I follow his "working 8-6" schedule? I just have this bad habit, on one hand I want the other party to be satisfied, but when I look back at myself I feel so pathetic for myself.. why can't I just treat myself better? Why must I always have the mentality that rather i unhappy than to have others unhappy? Stupid me.

*the thing that I sold... think it is catchy among Kubricks collectors.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

touching the void

Just finished watching the movie "Touching the Void" and can't help having more respect for Mother Nature. This movie is so intense, so deep in meaning that you will find "Cliffhanger" a humour and "Vertical Limit" a joke.

It is based on a true story about 2 British climbers Joe and Simon who are still the only people to have summitted Siula Grande of Andes. (I have been reading the book of the same title written by Joe Simpson himself at the NUS Central Library. If you see a freak reading a 17 yr old boring looking book at CL, that's me. Call number is GV199.92)

The exciting part starts during the descent, when Joe fell down a cliff and broke his leg. (Ouch, I could almost feel the bone crushing in my knee! At 28 degrees I can feel my spine turning cold..) and later when Simon cut the rope to stop himself from being drag down the slope, thinking that Joe was already dead. Miriculously Joe crawled himself out from the mountain back to base camp. This escape is still one of the best tales in the mountaineering circle.

There was a lot of struggle in the climbers. Should Simon have cut the rope? Was he thinking only of his own life? He must have been flooded with guilt and a cocktail of other emotions, but I guess only they themselves know it best and not for us to judge.

There are so many reflections after watching it. To my dear climbers, I will be passing a copy to you then you guys circulate among yourselves. I look forward to your reviews!

maiyahi by ikari

although it is not new, but whenever I feel a little moody, this song (Dragostea Din Tei) never fails to cheer me up (or make me feel worse)

early morning stun

This morning my mother and I met a neighbour 肥师奶 (fat auntie) at the market.
fat auntie: "wah this is your son ar? army or working?"

... (-_-#)

I have been living here for 11 years and she doesn't know I am my mother's son??
I thought I met her last week on my way to school and told her I was going to school??

What is happening to this "the-boy-next-door"?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

more religious than religious

ok, this will be a little gross... so this entry is not suitable for kids under 12 and pregnant women and people with heart problem....

So today during lunch, I was talking about Meder's blog and people who comment there. (although I don't like it when people talk to me about my blog in real life, but... I'm doing it! argh)
Then Meder said I'm going to like one of his colleague, cos "she has boobs the size of my [his] head!"

What the hell.... he likes it doesn't mean I like it right?? (I mean her, not it)
Then Alex was like, "Are they real?"
What the hell.... he is a Christian!! He is supposed to be religious!
Then Meder said to me, "You are like more religious than Alex."

I always thought Alex is very religious... oh no... how can a freak who has no religion to be more religious than someone who prays before every meal and goes to church regularly?

Too lazy to write about religion anyway.... have been talking about it for countless times... please, look at my archive if you want to know how religious this unreligious person is....

was i a little.....too crazy?

(plz ignore the picture, it's AJC's auditorium plus a crazy freak "hanging")

Arghh missed my climbing today just because of test! I thought government has already annouced 5-day work week... anyway I know I won't score full marks for my test today, but no point affecting your mood for the rest of your day right?

So... guess what? I made my way from NUS to Yishun to join the climbers! I didn't climb today, no point joining in 3/4 way right? (it is more than half way, so it's 3/4 way!) Like what Meder agreed, it is like teasing yourself.. hahaha! Today besides Alex, Nicholl and Meder, Ying Hui was there, so were Wee Li and his father!! Haha 2 overslept weekends and finally Wee Li was there to initiate his new Petzl harness! What's more, Meder asked along Birgette. haha cool~!!

While Meder was on the wall and Alex chatting with Wee Li and father, I decided to chat with Birgette. (noone likes to be left alone, plz) Birgette is the Norwegian girl whom Meder met at the Level 1 course. She's in Singapore since August, and guess what? She is a lawyer!!! (our climbing gang is getting interesting... we have Russian mafia, WDA slave, Norwegian lawyer, school kid.....) I think Yin Hui didn't know Birgette has a hubby (hint hint, you know what I mean right?) Hahaha and it was so funny when Meder narated to me Alex's reaction when he told him that Birgette is married (I can't help grinning wide)

So Meder, Alex and I went to have lunch at Chong Pang (the rest had things on) and chatted quite a bit on religion, girls (mostly regarding me) and stuffs...

I still find myself a little mad to go all the way to Yishun just to literally touch the wall. (oh luckily I did touch the panel)

chow's law of exam/test/quiz

Go in
Give it your best shot
Come out
Feel proud

(doesn't work if you didn't revise)

chow's theory

All girls like ugly boys.
No girls like Chow.
Chow is ______

(waiting for Statics and Mechanics test to start @ 1000hrs)

Friday, October 28, 2005

why did the chicken cross the road?

What does science have to say to the ancient puzzle:"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

1) Chickens at rest tend to stay at rest. Chickens in motion tend to cross the road.
2) It was pushed on the road by another chicken, which went away from the road.
3) It was attracted to a chicken on the other side of the road.
4) Because an apple fell on its head.

Albert Einstein:
1) Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
2) It was a relatively easy thing to do.

She was buoyant and excited at the thought of new adventures.

The other side of the road was its natural place.

To keep up with current events.

Alexander Graham Bell:
To get to the nearest phone.

Robert Boyle:
She had been under too much pressure at home.

Jean Foucault:
It didn’t. The rotation of the earth made it appear to cross.

To get a better look at the stars.

Karl Gauss:
Because of the magnetic personality of the rooster on theother side.

Gustav Hertz:
Lately, its been crossing with greater frequency.

She resisted the idea at first.

It was pressured to cross the road.

The other side had more potential.

James Watt:
It thought it would be a good way to let off steam.

Thomas Edison:
She thought it would be an illuminating experience.

Because of an excess of light pink gooey stuff in its pancreas.

It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.

Samuel Morse:
She had an appointment. She wanted to be there on the dot soshe had to dash.

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: Chickens hadn't evolved yet.

quote of the day

If it is a kitten, then it is a cat;
but if it is not a cat, then it is not a kitten.
On the other hand, if it is a cat then it is a kitten...
What am I saying?

--- Dr Rajesh Parwani, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore

when nikki meets IPC

I dunno what has gotten to me.
Recently have been hooking up Nicole to chat with real human beings in my life. First we had Alvin, then Alex, now Ameet and Rizwan...

At first I chatted with her one to one, I sensed something was holding up in her mind, but I knew better than to force her to say it out. To force someone to say his/her heart out is analogous to raping, just that one is forcing things out and the other, forcing things in(usually). Anyway she has her bf. (now, don't u get the point? if her bf can't hear her out, who can?)

She claimed that whenever she wants to talk to me about her problem, she always feel "ignored", "insulted" and "inched" (hk slang, something like arrogant/sarcasm) She is also afraid that she may say something wrong and hurt me. Yeah yeah said my heart is brittle... sigh, human start more wars when they try to end war (i.e. that sentence already had the hurting effect. Why can't she say things that are not hurting?). Ignored, how can she feel ignored when I am all ears? Insulted, I don't insult anyone, at least if I do, I didn't mean it; "inched".. hmm... that is the interesting part. She told me before her bf is very arrogant.. oh I forgot the magic word: "bf".

So in an attempt to let her see real arrogance/crap/sarcasm, I looked up my MSN contact list.. *grin grin* they were online! I think Nicole was kinda culturally shocked by the amount of craps the IPC talked. Of course she was turn off by the low class comments from the trio, very much to my pleasure to piss her off.. hahaha! oopz did I just enjoy pissing people off? Things like "Chow did you make nikki wet?" "oh I poured a bucket of water on her" etc. It was so fun that we called each other names as usual, and I have the "slut", "idiot" that kind of names.. and they called Nicole a cross-dresser and transvestite. Can't blame them, since Nicole refused to introduce her true self and kept claiming she is from India (for goodness sake, Ameet is an Indian and Rizwan is a Pakistani, she should have said something like American Red Indian if she really wanted to fake it...) Anyway they know about her since they read my blog, and obviously she doesn't know about them. Since Nicole likes English so much so I was telling her that Ameet and Rizwan's English is damn powerful, which received violent objections from the 2 ambassadors.

Dunno why, find myself a little sadistic now. Maybe I just want to find real human beings to share my emotinoal load. Thanks Alvin, Alex Ameet and Rizwan.....

Thursday, October 27, 2005

the lift

it was just a few seconds' ride.
in the confined space stood 3 little characters in life.
an university boy, 2 office ladies, and countless molecules of still air.
each looking at a different axis, one faced the X, one faced Y, one faced Z.
no one muttered a word, but deep inside everyone so wanted to speak to each other.
3 strangers, 3 lighted up buttons, 3 stops.
how many joules of energy does it take to initiate a conversation?
how many watts of power does it take to make a new friend?
how many newtons of force does it take to pull 2 strangers together?

weird dream again + climbing withdrawal syndrome

belay on, laugh on...
I'm almost having silly dreams everynight. Last night I just had a few silly ones. (not going to go into detail on the one of me running away from a pursuing girl...)

So I was dreaming of me bouldering in a supermarket. (bouldering-> favourite sports; supermarket-> favourite hangout. Perfect weird dream) You know in some big Cold Storage supermarket they have these rows of fridge that line both side, and the fridges are the open door cupboard type like those you see in 7-Eleven. So I was dreaming of myself bouldering on those fridges!! Occasionally if my motion is too big(or the door magnet isn't strong enough), the door will swing open with me hanging on it, *PIAK!* slamming me onto the adjoining fridge door....

Another dream I had last night, I was able to fly in the sky thanks to my Black Diamond harness! With it I could do vertical climbing on pipes and bamboo sticks that hang outside HDB flats, and scaring housewives in the process.

Oh man, it isn't Saturday yet and I am already starting to miss it...

(* the picture is about the importance of maintaining your body's centre of gravity, if not your body will just swing out like that door of the metal safe.. scary experience for a boulderer*)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

curry chicken vs chicken curry

is it curry chicken or chicken curry?
think closely, is it curry flavour chicken or chicken flavour curry?
there are always curry fish too~
that will depend on whether you are eating the curry or eating the chicken.
but what if you eat both?
and what about the potato??

ain't I crappy?

oral defence

(I know Rizwan and Ameet have been waiting for this entry)

I think sweet things are usually short. Maybe Ameet will beg to defer, since he is still thinking of his performance for this afternoon's oral defence.

We had our oral defence session today for our Critical Thinking and Writing position paper. Basically Mrs J would direct questions at us to see how well we understand the issue we brought up, and if possible the arguments involved.

I was seated in the middle, so I got the most questions!! (imagine pouring tea from a teapot into 3 cups, the one in the middle surely got the most)Argh I had difficulties articulating my response.. but somehow I think I smoked my way through. Rizwan has a very clear picture of our project, so like how Ameet said, Rizwan stole the limelight of it all. Ameet was quite cool, I mean really cool, giving short answers, being the "one-liner" as described by Mrs J. That did worry Ameet a lot.

I think I was away preparing dinner when the 2 of them were chatting about it on MSN. Things like "Mrs J has a crush on Chow, blah blah blah" and other craps......

I still think she asked me the most questions cos she thought my answers could not make it and wanted to give me chance to cover lost ground...
Whatever the case, time to move on to the next hurdle~

quote of the day

space isn't remote at all.
it's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.
--- fred hoyle

cats' lover

no girls like me... but cats like me.

I was having lunch alone at Engin canteen when a cat came to me. (ok I sort of attracted it over) So as usual it rubbed itself against my legs, licked my toes... all this while I was eating my chicken rice, occasionally making full eye contact with each other..

I must have appeared like some animal freaks! A lot of girls walked pass and couldn't help looking with curiousity. Hmm.. animals can be the key to attracting girls?? Haha well maybe.

I didn't feed it cos I don't believe in feeding strays. "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" says Karl Marx. After swallowing the last bit of rice, I decided to touch the cat a bit. I was so scared the cleaner aunty would scold me for playing with the cat, or mistake me of feeding it. Aw this kind of thing cannot let my family know... surely will get it big time for playing with stray animals..

The parting wasn't that painful, since the cat quickly disappeared the moment I went to return the plate. Kinda like flings, don't you think so?

Maybe I should start loving "inhuman" things.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Nalgene Nalgene tell me why...

My dear yellow Nalgene bottle...

Why do I have to feel moody all out of sudden?
Why must I feel unhappy just because of one person??

It was Jason.
Now it is Jensen....

There are this breed of people on earth who obtain pleasure from pissing people off. They are proud of their trait.

Maybe I'm just not game enough?

He squeezed my chalkball and I don't like it.

Do you ever let your friends squeeze your wife? Maybe you do, but I don't.

Take care of your equipment and your equipment will take care of you.
That's the belief that I always stand by.
That's why I'm so tensed up when people touch my things.
More often than not, people care less about things not belonging to them.
You don't let them touch, they think you are selfish, stuck up, etc.
You let them touch, your heart aches.

Now my chalkball looks like a daifuku...
Poor chalkball, I should have talked to you instead of dear Nalgene bottle..
ok next time.

Lunchbox: Jazz-Funk Shaken & Stirred

Haha today went to my second Lunchbox at Esplanade. This time round is a lady group called "Walking on Water" (I know their name doesn't make sense, but think of "ballet on wall"...anyway isn't it the name of a song by Atomic Kitten?)

The four ladies were damn power!! Especially the drummer (the one on the far right, I think she's called Audrey) The way she played the drum was really "god-like"! They sang David Tao's 夜来香 super duper twisted! Today the Concert Hall was full-house, even the 3rd level circle seats were full~ I think some schools were there as an outing.. plus quite a big number of supporters for the band.

Originally was thinking of dragging Alex along, since he seem pretty stressed out by work lately. But I think lunch time is too packed for him (thus may end up stressing him more when he rush for lunch), and I was worried I may miss the show, so ended up didn't even meet him for lunch. Someone else was on my mind, (she's reading...) but guess she may have lessons and not that good to ask her to skip lesson. (oh, actually I skipped Maths laboratory session today... =p hushush!)

Yup so I went alone. But I wasn't quite alone afterall.. had a short chat with a middle-age man sitting beside me. He seems to be a jazz player~ so we talked about how crowded it was, other performance, etc etc. But one bad thing, he hummed along and whistled a little.. to which a lady on my right giggled about to her companion...

After the show it was raining outside (until now.. now I'm at NUS ComCent) I took a walk at Market Place at Raffles City basement... Dunno why just enjoy strolling in supermarkets.. haha! Wanted to buy a pack of 5 japanese coffee which cost $6 (the type that has a filter paper)... struggled for a bit and decided not to buy. If I buy I will get scolding for sure... hahaha!

Hmm.. now waiting for my bouldering session later at NUS rock gym....

Monday, October 24, 2005

think on THE spot

When you guys sit on the toilet bowl, do you tend to think a lot? {perfect posture, that's Rodin's most famous artwork "The Thinker" (1880-1882)}

This morning I was sitting on the toilet bowl, then out of nowhere my mind started to think of the scenario where I fall to my death while rockclimbing, then I use my last breath to mutter the line "xxxxxx I love you..."

Isn't it more practical to use my last breath to scold the belayer for not locking his carabiner?!?!?!?!

Talking about climbing, call me childish, call me immature, but I really don't feel like going down to Yishun if Jason will be there. Yes maybe his presence can amuse Nicholl, but I know I won't enjoy the day. Hmm then I'll go climbing with Meder on weekday nights, somemore can climb with Norwegian and German girls~ hahaha! I may seem neutral on the surface, but really I don't like the idea of climbing with Jason. I know who I can entrust my life with and who cannot. Experience can be gained, but not attitude and personality. NOT HIS.

This afternoon ran through Nikki's year 2000 Alevel English paper. Alex asked me before why am I doing this for her/why she didn't ask her bf English. Hmm.. her bf may be busy? She looks up upon me? Maybe cos I just enjoy helping her? Maybe cos I learn a lot in the process as well?? Aww why must we complicate everything?

Anyway, history repeats itself today. After I read about that MSN nick that I mentioned in my previous entry yesterday, I actually itchy went to see her Friendster profile this afternoon.... "In a relationship" ARGH hahaha really once bitten twice still not shy! But this time round I don't feel hurt at all, maybe cos from the beginning I didn't think of being with her, so... or maybe I've grown stronger from the previous one. But anyway as though playing a joke on myself, the sound of "O Fortuna" was ringing in my head... LOL.

Just don't understand, why my love for rock climbing can't fill my lack of relationship...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

mood swing with fall factor 9

Don't ask me why, if I know the reason I would have already solved it myself.

It just started a couple of minutes ago, give it maximum one hour.

Was it because of someone's MSN nick says something like "I love you xxxxx!"? (sorry can't name her here.. she reads my blog, and the xxxxx doesn't equate to any part of my name) Was it because Alex invited me into MSN chat with Jason??

Wow luckily Nicole gave me a past year A Level English paper to proof-read for her, that did pull my mind away from the unhappy things.

Alex, if you are reading this, please, try to refrain from connecting me and Jason.. I know I'm peace-loving but still.... I'm human. And, Mister Chow, please DO NOT look at other people's MSN nick again... once bitten twice still not shy ah? (no Nicole not you, anyway can't be bothered with you too.. hahaha!) I just don't know why I'm so over-observant in this kind of details. Details about the past, details about grudges, details about other people's personal life...

I wish I can delete all the non essential contacts from my MSN. Essential means climbers and school mates. Oh, my wish seldom comes true.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

red hot chilly lobster.. I mean climber.

So happy! It was sunny this morning! Well.. at least when we were climbing.. cos earlier in the morning I could still hear the sound of rain when I was asleep. Thanks for those we prayed along for a sunny Saturday!! Now I'm lobsterised.

There was quite a crowd there at Yishun, our gang had Alex, Nicholl, Meder and Shun Fu who is Alex's colleague. Bernard and Co was there, teamNUS was there, among others...
Hmm.. cleared lane 5 white, failed lane 3 blue again, failed lane 4 blue.. maybe it has to do with the colour of the tiles.. you know, "blue" in Chinese sounds the same as "difficult"? Wow Meder has improved fast! I feel so happy for him~ He was telling me things like process is more important that the result and blah blah.. I know that, but somehow it sounds nicer coming from someone else's mouth. Oh I never failed to joked that he must have read too much rockclimbing books. =)

There were so many funny things this morning.... let me list them case by case:
1) Chee Meng. Obviously he is a powerful climber. He cleared lane 4 blue with grace and ease, and what's more, with an iPod Shuffle with him!! So it was like half way his ear piece would drop out from his ear, then he would casually stuff it back into his ear!! It actually happened more than 3 times! Wow.. he must have appeared cocky in the eyes of those who don't know him. Aha he down climbed, then went up by red route.. which looked like a piece of cake to him! *Sigh* when will I reach that state??

2) Bernard. I just can't help thinking he is a funny guy. He looked a little pissed when he asked the office for 2 climbing ropes then the SAFRA staffs didn't attend to him but continued to do whatever at their desk. Bernard's Nalgene bottle is a killer.... it has a cute Ultraman sticker!! HAHAHA! I can't hold my laughter now! Guess it was too sunny, he was belaying with sunglasses, and Nicholl shouted across teasing him.. haha that's us, shouting at teasing around at Yishun.

3) Wendys. Yes it is plural, 2 Wendys. Alex and I were saying hi to Wendy when she looked at us puzzled. Turn out that Wendy was belaying another Wendy, so she didn't know who we were greeting~! That's so cool to have 2 Wendys sharing the same hobby, and doing it together! There was one point the thinner Wendy was belaying the rounder Wendy, she was hugging on to the lamp post. Then Alex shouted across and said, "Wendy you feeling lonely is it??" ermm.. -_-# what was that comment for... hahaha.. (the rounder Wendy is the one we knew earlier, who came up with Wendy's theory of tying figure-of-8 knots. this is the first time we see the thinner Wendy)
Later at S11 we met the Wendys again!! So we had lunch together, chatted and got to know more about one another. Alex was feeling guilty afterwards for not engaging in conversation with the thinner Wendy. Guess she is the quieter of the 2 Wendys, but I think she is quite pretty leh!! =) Too bad again I'm the youngest... so funny I always mix with old people~

4) Nicholl. Actually nothing to say about her, but just dunno where to slot in what she said today. When we were leaving the place she said something like I'm the most innocent and good mah that kind of thing... ermm... dunno why she suddenly pop that comment. Oh first time saw Nicholl lead-climb!! Again, executed with grace and ease, with me at the belaying end.

ARGHHH next Saturday is Statics & Mechanics test... can't climb next week. At least I didn't miss today's climb. *grin grin*

Friday, October 21, 2005


Let me state my stand clear: I HATE betrayal of any form!

Yes it may seem a small tiny weenie thing, but I'm feeling pissed off NOW cos my lecture clique play punk and now I have no one to have lunch with.

I know it is unspoken, no one made an agreement that says must wait for everyone to have lunch, no one signed a contract that says cannot eat before another guy's tutorial ended.....

Yes NO ONE said anything! It must be me foolish enough to buy that tale, me foolish enough to sacrifice my time to book seats at the canteen (other days), and now just cos they are hungry they ate while I was at my tutorial.....

Now, who should I trust?? Why am I always sacrificing myself for people who ain't worthy of it?? Should I show my black face later when we meet again for Physics lecture??

Grwwwlll... YES I'm a super grudge-bearing person, so don't do anything stupid to me!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Full Metal Panic TSR ended...

feel like crying now.. *sob sob*
Just finished watching the final episode of Full Metal Panic The Second Raid. I am the type who gets touched very easily one, so...

Full Metal Panic TSR is a sequel to the first series Full Metal Panic. The link between 1 and 2 is pretty good, so you must watch the first series to understand what they are talking about in the second series. In TSR the battlefield has shifted to Hong Kong, with super high accurate details of the place inside the anime(the drawer actually went to HK to recce, the scenes you see in the anime are the exact replica of the real world). Well.. they tried hard to include cantonese, but Melissa Mao's speech sucks considering she is a Chinese.

The fighting scene wasn't as spectacular as in the first series, and quite a portion of the story revolves around Sousuke's search for purpose in life and his desertion, wandering around in the streets of Hong Kong. Mecha wise, there is the addition of a cool looking black M9 Gernsback piloted by the new captain of the Special Response Team SRT.. too bad I don't have picture of this new toy.

The ending was the part that drives tears out from me. Out of nowhere Kaname showed up in front of the disheartened Sousuke and kind of whack some sense out of him, and he once again get back to the pilot seat of his Arbalest and defeat the freaks. Kind of a perfect ending where everyone is happy. Although Tessa didn't win Sousuke's heart, but she was overjoyed when Souseke called her by her nick for the first time instead of calling her "Colonel Ma'am". Kaname still didn't express her feeling towards Sousuke, but guess it is pretty much in the heart of both of them.

13 episodes are a bit short, but just nice for such a storyline.... if not I would have to wait painfully every week for the next episode...

Sousuke's Arbalest, complete with shotgun and 'lamda driver'

Melissa's M9 Gernsback with radar jamming antenna on head

Weber's M9 Gernsback with sniper rifle.

when nikki meets skippo...

one is a Hong Kong girl who likes Singapore guy.
one is a Singapore guy who likes Hong Kong girl.
put them together, what do you have?
you have me laughing in the middle.

These few days Alvin has been busy translating a script in preparation for a visit by Chinese delegates to his Ministry. Last night he asked me over MSN, how to translate "Youth Development Officer" into Chinese... *scratch scratch*

Nicole was asking me some English grammar questions over MSN as well. So I was like, one person asking me Chinese, the other person asking me English... hmm so a weird idea popped up in my mind: let them have the fun! I invited them into a 3-person chat.

I'm not sure about Nicole, but the thought of a Hong Kong girl must have turned-on Alvin~! He said things like "I fly over to your place and ask you out" etc etc...muhahaha! So we brainstormed on the possible translation to Alvin's job position, and of course I won't fail to give lame comments... resulting in a "stupid" comment from Nicole.

Then Alvin added in, "I didn't know Chow to be smart, but he is caring, kind, helpful, do his own cooking and washing......" etc etc.. I mean, what is the use of telling those things to Nicole?!?!!? Then Alvin continued "flirting" with Nicole, like talking about Chinese Chess (again) and how he won me with 5 moves advantage and so on... I joked about blackmailing Alvin by telling his GF Alvin is flirting, and Alvin bite me back by saying I didn't wash my underwear! (the truth is, I religiously wash my underwear everynight, it was HIM who didn't wash his undies back in army days)

Along the way dunno why suddenly Alex and Qiwei popped into the conversation...!! I was like, "wah lao, gang bang..." Must be Alvin...

Later when Alvin knew that Nicole is 18, his change in reaction was so obvious.. the sian half feel!! Hahahaha I told Alvin she is underage, will diu caning one.. hahaha!! I didn't help either by using the word "paedophile" when Nicole knew that Alvin is 27...

Old cow eats young grass.... pure horrible.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

exam stress-busters

Take a Break!

Breaks are a necessity not a luxury. They keep us sharp and help us maintain concentration. They can take the form of a quiet walk on the beach, a chat with family and friends or a rousing game of tennis. Physical exercise is especially important to help release the tension from sitting hunched over our books the whole day.

Avoid Negative Self-talk!

At all costs, avoid
o focusing only on the bad parts of things. E.g. Panicking on the material not convered vs drawing reassurance on those you have?
o succumbing to all-or-nothing thinking. E.g. "I need to get an A on this course or I've failed."
o jumping to conclusions. E.g. "I didn't do well in my last assignment so I am going to do really badly in this course."

Those thoughts are irrational and unhelpful. Try these quick affirmations
o "I can't do it all. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose."
o "It's not that bad."
o "I'll be ready next time."

Organise your time!

Plan and develop a practical and realistic schedule for your day. Prioritise your activities according to urgency and importance. Sure, it's never possible to complete all that we must or would like to - but we can often do quite a lot!

(brought to you by the Personal Guidance & Counselling Services team@Office of Student Affair, National University of Singapore)


I just can't help feeling more and more disheartened with the Climbing Sub-Club.
It's not the club, it's the people. It's not everyone, just one.

Kelvin planned to set up the Entreprise wall to let everyone do some vertical climbing, then in a pissing-off manner Jensen said to me in chinese, "you so powerful, lead climb lah"

What the hell!! I feel so insulted. Yes Jensen was the one who said lead climb is bo liao. C'mon, if no one lead-climbs up, then who is going to put the rope up? He doesn't know how to lead-climb then say lah! He doesn't like vertical climbing then say lah!! Maybe I've done too much trying to convince them vertical climbing is fun. But why pop this kind of cold sarcastic remarks??

Among our clique I dislike him the most. YES! I used the word "dislike", I thought I love the whole world but it doesn't seem to be the case. Last night I left early cos there were family friends from HK paying a visit to my home. At least last night I didn't have to share the bus ride home with Jensen.

Maybe I should superglue up my lips the next time I go bouldering, or like what Edwin said, skip for a few weeks.

Grwwwlll..... why make me hate the club just because of one person??

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

SBS Transit vs SMRT


Know the differences between the 2?

SBS Transit: jam brake when the light is still green, waiting for it to turn red
SMRT: step hard on the accelerater when the light is already red, knowing the other light won't turn green so fast

SBS Transit: service always full of people(with concession pass) still don't use air-con bus
SMRT: service no one rides also use air-con bus

SBS Transit: when it is double decker, has to be SBS Transit
SMRT: when it is SMRT, has to be single decker.

SBS Transit: buses (of same service number)leave in pairs from interchange
SMRT: buses anyhow park in interchange

SBS Transit: bus frequency interval means time between first bus and last bus, not 2 buses
SMRT: huh? what frequency?

SBS Transit: bus stop empty also will stop
SMRT: you wave also won't stop

SBS Transit: you can't change the TV channel
SMRT: you have no channel to change

SBS Transit: you leave home early and will still reach destination late
SMRT: you leave home late also will reach destination early

SBS Transit: you crawl also faster than bus
SMRT: bus crawl also faster than you

Monday, October 17, 2005

forlorn face

I've always thought I'm very good at hiding my thoughts/emotions. I'm proven otherwise.

Today the IPC trio went for the conferencing with Mrs J for our Critical Thinking & Writing position paper. Halfway through the discussion Mrs J said "Siu Hang you look so depressed" ...
Was I?

hmm.. I know for sure that very moment my mind was somewhere away from Mrs J's office. Was I thinking of ways to improve on our position paper? Hmm dream on.

I think I was worrying something else. Our module on CTW is coming to the end soon with no more tutorial sessions. I think I will miss my 2 competent groupmates since we may not be sharing the same tutorial group next semester. I think our position paper is wonderful because of those 2 intelligent and committed chaps (can't help feeling proud). Place me in any other combination and I may end up in the drain.. oh although the girls are competent too, but guess if I'm in their group they will lose their concentration cos their chairs would be wet.... oopZ.

My dear allies from India and Pakistan, please feel flattered.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

when abstinence backfired

It was not the first time.
It was not a wet dream. C'mon I can tell if my underwear is wet or not.
It was horrible. How can someone make up for the scene when he has never seen the real thing. Just like how kids react to Ultraman's monsters.

Why must I have sex dream again.... (hey I can't control what kind of dreams to have, can I?)
It MUST be Stephanie's blog... she wrote an erotic story in her blog.
It MUST be Sociology lecture... Dr Leong talked about premarrital sex, extramarrital sex, abstinence.

Abstinence. Why? Why do we abstain?
Because God told us to? I am not a believer, so out. X
Because I want to reserve it for my wife? I don't even know if I will have a wife, so out. X
Because my lover will appreciate it if I'm a ? I don't have a lover, so out. X
Because I think premarrital sex is wrong? Then so many people are already wrong, so out. X
Because I like being a dinosaur? Dinosaurs are extinct, paradox here, the correct term is "endangered species", so out. X
Because I can't find a bottle opener. Errr..... with a little $$ you can always find one, so out. X

The whole entry is crap, only the seventh and last sentence are true.

Sunday... where art thou, Sun?

It rained the whole of today. Can't imagine if my climbing day is like this. Oh Meder was asking me if I would want to climb with him today, cos he was away on official trip yesterday and missed the climb. It's a good day to fight, it's a good day to die, but not a good day to climb. Anyway climbing on 2 consecutive days would just kill my fingers.

Haha just now I received a SMS from Meder, seeking help for "3 exploded blisters on his hands". To make up for the climb he missed yesterday, Meder went to ClimbAsia today. I guess the hand holds put his skin to the test~ He is really eager, and I hope his passion won't die out. Not so soon.

Just came across NUS Climbing Team's blog, and thinking to myself, is my blog becoming more and more like a climbing blog?? No.. my blog talks about girls as well..
Dunno why keep having this feeling that NUS Climbing Sub-Club is like a small circle by the Team, with the ordinary members segregated.. maybe it is just me... sigh...

My Yishun gang, don't abandon me hor!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

the only way is UP

I guess that is the most common answer whenever the climber ask "which way to go"

Just came back from climbing with Alex and Co. Dunno why I just like to blog it after every climb, something like an after-action-review to debrief on my own moves. And thanks to Ally who always gives me points to improve on. From inside I think I am becoming stronger (not so much on physical strength but more on execution of moves) Didn't complete any routes today, but when trying lane 3 blue I could tell I was making an effort to twist, flag, lay back, and watch where my body faced. As for lane 6 red, I should have high stepped the loose tile as well.... argh leave it for next time.

Early in the morning it was raining, so I was half praying it would stop somewhere.. argh the most we would climb on wet wall lor~ (that reminds me of the ClimbAsia shirt that has a wet floor sign saying "Caution! Wet Wall") The jugs were filled with water as expected, so we somehow helped to clear the water out. (I was climbing lane 3 red but dunno why I cleared the green jugs as well...) Oh dunno why Alex's mood not that good, water jug? Work? Wee Li? (horrors! triple W!) So the both of us ended kinda early, leaving Nicholl and Yinhui there..

Very funny leh, Yinhui brought his friends along, but didn't introduce them or something, then somemore he was too absorbed in his own climbing and kind of neglected them. So I actually went over and encouraged them to climb. (belayers are rare assets hor~!) It would be bad if their first climbing experience is a bad one...

More funny things~! I was hanging on lane 3 and told Alex to lower me.. then the usual suaning occurs.. hahaha! He asked Kelly whether to let me down or not and she actually said no!! Oh Kelly is a NUS alumnus and national climber =) Then before Alex and I went off, Bernard asked if my Osprey backpack is new or not... he said it looks quite new leh and wiped his palm on it!! Haha he said must season it, then I joked if he wants to chalk it as well~ Dunno why, normally I would have shown the black face if someone does that to my beloved bag, but maybe I'm more relaxed when with climbers... or... I have learned to let go?

Someone is learning.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Epimenides paradox

Let's have a green tea cake before we go fry some braincells.

Ok this is something I picked up while watching "Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid."
The Cretans are always liars. (Titus 1:12)

This was from Epimenides, a sixth century BC philosopher who himself is a Cretan. So was his statement true of false? That's Epimenides paradox.

How about this:
The next sentence is false.
The preceding sentence is true.

There is this Gödel's incompleteness theorem which says from an arithmetic approach a provable statement may not be a true statement..

Don't think too hard please. I don't want to slaughter your braincells.

can I say something about last Sunday?

There is just this thorn in my heart that says I MUST jot down that Sunday's happening.

It was the India-Pakistan-China summit held at the sacred territory of Pakistan at xxx Croucher Rd. There was some confusion over the meeting time, so our dear Chinese ambassador had to aimlessly kill time at Junction 8, looking out for products made-in-China at Best Dengue.

Our Pakistani comrade has a really nice bomb shelter where the meeting took place, just in case Uncle Sam is not happy and send a few Tomahawk cruise missiles to shut our mouth up. Argh I'm not going to disclose the details of the treaties signed, but...

Ok enough crap!!
So the 3 of us were working on our Critical Thinking & Writing position paper. I was pretty touched that although Rizwan was fasting, he served Ameet and me chocolate cake and coke~ Actually I'm not sure how he feels looking at us eat.. but.. he's indeed a great host. And before we left, Rizwan's mother asked us in to have afternoon tea.. and there were curry puff and peanut pancake! (no no actual sample differs from illustration) Arghh... so nice!! They were fasting and still..... hmm that goes to say the level of racial harmony in this country. (I was so full I couldn't eat dinner that night)

On the other hand, our India ambassador Mister Ameet aka Coffee Annan.... sigh... (i mean sigh, not Singh) dunno what we were crapping about during the discussion that he burp out the statement "I'm sure Chow is not a virgin".... wow that could have triggered the human waves of People's Liberation Army crossing the border and overruning India. And the response from our Chinese Ambassador was "It's none of your biz....." THAT's a political blunder!!

I should have answered with a punch. Nah I love peace.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

on sluts and bastards

Hong Jun thought that Dr Laurence Leong was so vulgar in today's sociology lecture...
I think those terms were just nice.

The topic discussed was Religion. As a freethinker I think I can accept some of the points brought up better than those who are believers. (how many of you would actually say bad things about yourself?) For example, there is this exchange relationship in which the religion offers routes to reward while the people commit long-term relationship and obligation to the religion. Rewards can come in the form of immortality, better afterlife.. etc. Or even like how Ally said, it is like calling out the Genie. hmm... when I was down that time, I almost resorted to THAT.. (rubbing my Nalgene bottle hoping a hot sexy genie girl will pop out.. haha no lah)

Then there is this risk aversion where people place a smart bet as they feel they have all to gain and nothing to lose. Just like, if there is God then good lah, if there is no God then life as usual. (how about saying Red Bull gives you wings? If you don't drink Red Bull you won't die anyway)

And even religion can be linked to economy~! religious economy = demand for religion + supply of religion. Religions become a-la-carte menu and they compete for believers. How? Well.. not sure if any City Harvest people are reading my blog... but... haha I just stated it didn't I? In a way religion has become a pop culture. (I'm not going to elaborate since I mentioned it in an earlier entry) In a way I still think that when people have religion vacuum, they create god. Have you heard of 雷锋 from China? He was a soldier, and his conduct was so exemplary that the Communist sort of "put him onto the altar".. And what about Chairman Mao? Well... I rather turn to Powerpuff Girls.

Hmm.. and the horrible part is, in trying to garner more support, religions begin to close one eye! Things like pre-marrital sex and extra-marrital sex, as there are more and more people doing these things, religions start to keep quiet on these issues! What the hell~ that is so lame! It is like, if religion A says strictly no sex before marriage, then people will conveniently turn to other religions, and religion A loses this group of "customers".

Some interesting fact: a McDonald's meal can offend 13 religions and 61% of the world population!! I must say, the 61% are not quite religious... *giggle giggle*

You must be thinking, what has sluts and bastards got to do with religion? Oh... Dr Leong was saying you shouldn't dress like a slut when you go into a buddhist temple, if not those not steady monks will.. er... yah you all know.... then about the bastards, he said some people marry cos they don't want their children to be called bastards.

(wow, like that also can revise my lecture)


(no no.. this has nothing to do with cake... but.. SWEET!!)

Just now I spent 1 hour with QX!! Haha feeling so sweet now~
I was waiting for lift at EA lobby with Wei Chuan when I saw QX~ and she said "wow.. we meet again in less that 24 hrs~" "we fated mah" (ok that was a lousy answer from me..)

Coincidentally we were all heading to the computer cluster at E2, so on the way we chat chat...about my blog, about her birthday, about her siblings.. (poor Wei Chuan became the light bulb.. haha sorry)

Now then I realise QX knows that I like to make sarcastic remarks to her.. haha phew.. feeling so relieved knowing that she ain't angry at me. (about pimples and weight gain..) Then she was having difficulty inserting her thumb drive.. so I helped her out with complementary sarcastic remarks on her weight.. Aww I'm so nasty hahaha!

Little kids just get jumpy easily... I better pacify myself now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

lexi chow

reading my blog seems to be Ameet and Rizwan's rountine before Critical Thinking & Writing tutorials... and then blackmail me when I step into the classroom.. and today they almost showed my blog to Mark about that girl on the bus...

NO! I will not bow to terrorism, you axis of evil from India and Pakistan!!

Anyway, when the words "lexi Chow" came out from Ameet's mouth, I felt so flattered~ *bow bow* (did I just bow to terrorism?) Just dunno why today I could come up with more words than usual when we were discussing our 1st draft for position paper. Must be having that Kira Yamato's Seed mode...

Anyway now thinking back, my academic interest has changed quite drastically. When I was in primary school, I liked Chinese, Maths, and hated English and Science. At P4 my Chinese teacher said my standard was of P6.. (clap clap or you can say "wah!") Then when I went to secondary school, I still hated English, loved Maths and Physics. It was like, I came up with Maths question that 3 teachers from Maths Department couldn't solve, ended up I solved it ultimately.. and I always went to chat with my Physics teacher so much so that I transformed him from a nerd to a normal person. Hmm at JC.. dunno why lost the passion in Maths, but liked GP. Maybe cos GP is less vocab based but more on content than English. (in other words how you formulate your arguement and smoke your way through) How I disliked Maths? In a lame manner, I could walk in to Maths tutorial extremely late holding a roll of toilet paper in my hand, claiming I have diahorrea..

hmm I'm still a piece of junk.

(oh met QX today in school when I was aimlessly walking around.. {kind of..} Now the more I think of it, the more I feel I should have accompanied her to canteen, since she told me no one was eating along with her so she just planned to have a drink and that's it for lunch.. argh!.. why am I so wols?!?!?!)

finished watching School Rumble

Phew.. finished watching the whole series of School Rumble last night.

Ok it's a school romance comedy, about this gangster Harima Kenji who has a crush on this girl Tsukamoto Tenma, but Tenma has a crush on this nerd Karasumaru. So it's the common A likes B while B likes C, but B doesn't know A likes her...

The whole series is damn funny, cos Harima is always mistakened as having an affair with everyone else minus Tenma. Actually Harima has sacrificed a lot for Tenma lor.. he transformed from a gangster to a caring, hard working student, and his love for animal has somewhat earned the respect from Tenma's younger sister Yakumo... (he is the only guy whom the popular Yakumo talk to)

The ending is a bit sad in my view, cos Harima didn't get Tenma.. sob sob... maybe the author purposely leave it this way so as not to offend supporters of both guys. So... it is a comedy but if you look deeper, it is quite sad.

Love.. is it a joke played upon us?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

when bouldering turns me off (a little)

I just don't know why. I wanted to talk about it last week.
I'm getting less and less enthusiastic about bouldering at NUS rock gym every Tuesday. I just don't know why...

Maybe cos people in my clique are doing much better than me? Like I say, I hate comparison, I hate competition, but human beings tend to compare ultimately. The only better thing I can do is I can sit in...

Argh.. haha I don't look like I was AJC climbing team captain right? The climbing shirts I wear seem to be stolen or digged up from landfills right?? I don't seem to be worthy of the equipments that I love so much right?

Must motivation be fueled by achievement? If there is no achievement, does motivation die off? Or even passion... well well.. I can always think of NUS rock gym as the 'free' version of ClimbAsia, but... Chow Siu Hang stop bluffing yourself...

Well.. at least I'm not like getting all high and aroused the moment I see a climbing wall..... I used to think I am.... (oh today I skipped dinner for climbing again... )

Monday, October 10, 2005

first contact

One small step for mankind, one big step for siu hang...
Guess what! On the way home I talked to her!! (well.. not exactly, but at least had direct eye contact and 2 English words: bye bye)

I was taking bus 74 home with Mark after Critical Thinking & Writing tutorial. Then at the stop after the turn from Clementi Road, she boarded the bus!! Wow had Mark keep whining about non-air-con bus, I could have missed her!! Throughout the whole journey Mark was having such a long and warm chat with her. I think both of them met during orientation camp, and further more Mark is kinda friendly with people~ so the whole journey I didn't join in their conversation(shy mah), only poking my nose in once when Mark was saying something about his position paper...

Both of them alighted later than me, so I was the first among the 3 to alight. I was actually sitting at the window seat, Mark beside me and her across the walkway. So I waved bye to Mark and.... to HER! (I didn't mutter the words b-y-e b-y-e but she did... so sweet!)

So funny.. in the morning we didn't even look at each other on the crowded bus, in the tutorial we didn't even talked... and then at the very moment when I alighted, the first contact was made!! The ice was there for a few months, but it took just a third guy to melt it.

Should I thank Mark for that?

how to pronounce Kyrgyzstan?

I deflowered my new harness last Saturday!!! muhahaha it is no longer a virgin!!
And guess what, we had a new climber climbing with us, Meder from Kyrgyzstan!

You must be wondering how on earth did I hook up with an angmoh to climb. Hmm okay one fine day I was using computer at home when a guy messaged me on MSN. He said he saw my profile at rockclimbing.com and would like to tag along to try rockclimbing~ And so, that's the way the story goes~ Meder is a friendly guy, but maybe cos our group seldom interact with westerners in such an environment, that's why we felt a bit weird.. haha.. things like we need to talk more in English instead of Chinese, although surprisingly Meder understands a little Chinese! Hmm we must do our part as good host to our guest from Kyrgyzstan!

When we reached SAFRA Yishun I saw the whole NUS climbing team there... omgosh they were having training there on that particular Saturday. I waved hi to Alvin, Kesheng and Adrian.. and I saw Kumaran as well. The way Kumaran talked kinda pissed me off. He was like asking "What are you doing here?".. Do I look like some fanatics who can't get himself into the school team and keep tailing the school team whereever they go?? So I kind of put up my climber's pride and replied "I climb here every Saturday." "So you have your own gear and everything?" *nod nod* (muhahaha new Black Diamond harness!!) No wonder my brother dislikes school teams in general. Later when I told him about the incident he was telling me to join the competitions and beat the team.. But I'm just not the competitive kind of person. Why win at the expense of someone losing? Why can't everyone wins? Just like in our climbing clique where everyone's skill improves together. Anyway Kumaran was my OCS Wingmate, his climbing experience is nowhere near mine... muhahahaha (starting to get full of myself..)

Meder did one climb, I lead-climbed lane 1 white... the new harness is really shiok!! The padding, the gear loops... Wearing your own underwear is definitely better than sharing it with strangers right? (wrong analogy) But dunno why I had to rest for 3 times to complete the route.. still not comfortable with my hand positioning. Then Alex was leading to 4th panel when the raindrops came~! wahahaha he had to downclimb! Also dunno why I didn't lead-belay properly, maybe not used to belaying from a fixed harness. (I wanted to blame it on my new ATC.. but that's lame)Ho ho.. and Nicholl didn't touch the wall at all!! Ermm at least we all got ourselves complimentary climb due to the wet weather.

We had a very fast game of pool, thanks to Meder's superb skill. (that reminds me of Stephen Chow playing pool in rural areas.. haha)then had lunch at Northpoint. In between bites we asked Meder more about his home country... and I still dunno why Alex and Nicholl kept giving me that look on their faces.. yah yah they look like couples...

Shiok!! Nicholl gave me a lift on her giant BMW!! During the journey she was trying to psycho me to learn motor bike with her... yeeeks no way! First she psychoed me to buy harness.. now bike! NOOOO... then jokingly I told her to learn then I can pillion behind... and all out of sudden her face turned serious and said she won't pillion me on the bike lor... -_-" the temperature suddenly droped a few degrees...

Yes and ALEX!! He kept teasing me about me and Nicholl.. things like "nice ride with Nicholl?", "cos Nicholl use Black Diamond that's why you buy Black Diamond", "later you buy bike as well lor".... aRGH! And I still remember sometime ago he was saying things like Nicholl sounds like Nicole.... what the.....
Hey the more you push the idea over, the more the person will think about it and may even explore the possibility. NOOOO!! CANNOT!!! What if Nicholl really thinks that I have a crush on her then how?!?! Please I still want to rock climb happily...

Alex better stop being naughty or else I will pull you down on lead-climb.


I was trying hard to hold my laughter on my bus journey to school just minutes ago..
I was on bus 74. I dunno if it was Monday blue or the driver was nervous, at the flyover connecting Lornie Rd and Adam Rd, the bus was supposed to go straight towards Bukit Timah Road direction, but instead it turned left down to PIE Jurong direction!! Hahahaha!!!! And at that time, my MP3 player was playing Sammi's 感情线上 that goes like "...分叉的感情线..." HAHAHA so coincidental!! And a few songs later was 落错车 by Sammi also...I really almost bursted out in laughter!! The bus kind of created a bottleneck and the single decker was having a hard time going astern. By the time it reached Bukit Timah Road, 3 other bus 74 had overtaken!!
(ermm.. I was supposed to feel annoyed is it?)

Then on bus 151 guess what! The bus was sardine packed with passengers, but I managed to find a seat. The main point is, she was there!!(no no I'm not going to say name.. just hint hint she is in the same tutorial class as me) Somehow fate had put her standing beside me.. ermm... but somehow I still haven't broken the ice to talk to her, so if I had known her better I could have offered the seat to her or something.....

hmm.. no I'm not going to debunk the status quo... that's me.
But the 74 bus ride was entertainment!! HAHAHAHA!!

hello earthlings, we come in piss

I'm skipping a few entries cos something big had happened last night... look at the time and you will see I'm writing this in the ungodly hour of Monday morning...

It's HER!
I think I was discussing physics with Ameet when someone not in my contact list messaged me in MSN. Not a climber, not a stranger (well still sort of a stranger).. it's Nikki--- Nicole Ho Tsz Wing!!

It has been more than a month since we last chatted. Why can I remember it so clearly? Cos I decided to give myself a birthday present with the "break-up". It is not the normal kind of break-up but how abnormal can it get anyway.

So Nikki started by saying she knew that I dun wanna talk to her and stuffs (that's catchy, it kind of forces the person to deny in a way and then go on in the conversation)I'm not sure if I sounded a bit too harsh, too unfriendly by asking "What can I do for you?" It is like there is zero emotion in that sentence... how passionate can words from a stun person caught off guard be?

There must be some driving forces inside her that told her to click on my name (although it appear so, but I DIDN'T block her. N-O NO!) It could be I was the only online freak in her contact list, so I told her "If you are bored, you can always go to the chatroom. The guys there are more than willing to hear you out" That, was really a bad line. Har I'm not going to kill anymore of my braincell trying to figure out more reasons as to why she messaged me again,(once bitten twice still not shy?) but she told me she is stressed, her hands feel cold (hey.. it's autumn in Hong Kong) she feel tired... etc etc..

What can I do? FedEx over an OSIM massage chair? Hmm.. not my job, it would be HIS job (to him who may concern).

No no I'm not going to get myself involved in emotional turmoil again, unless I can land myself in the eye of the storm, that's the different case.

But enough sarcasm. My doors are almost always open.
Talk to me
Tell me your name
You blow me off like it's all the same (yah, talk or don't talk I'm already blown off, !@$%^*%(&*^%#@)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

chillycraps' krab (and harness+ATC)

Friday... Alex was meeting Wee Li to buy harness at 6pm, and I conveniently tagged along. Actually I have been thinking whether I should buy or not, and all thanks to Nicholl, I'm convinced.

Since the bus journey from Kent Ridge to City Hall can be quite unpredictable, so I decided to go early. Went to Esplanade to take the latest programme diary, and then to Library@Esplanade to study my Maths. Kinda weird when everyone was reading art stuffs and then this oddball was sitting at the sofa reading Maths lecture notes...

I think cos it was Friday, that's why Alex could end work a bit earlier. Thank goodness we decided to meet early, cos Allsports closes at 6pm. Weird shop that follows office hours and doesn't open on weekend. Alex and Wee Li choosed an Petzl harness each, and the most expensive around lor!! Whereas I choosed the cheapest in the shop, the Black Diamond Momentum. C'mon this is my first harness, it is like you won't jump straight to a Mont Blanc pen when you don't even know how to write using cheap Red Leaf ball point pen..

Haha tagging along was a wise move too, cos we could ask for discount~ the funny thing is, Alex and Wee Li got 20% off whereas I had 30%!! Hmm maybe I shouldn't have let them know cos I scare the "unequal treatment" may upset them. But they guessed it was because I'm buying Black Diamond whereas they buy Petzl, thus the different discount. What I think is cos I bought carabiner and ATC on top of the harness, helpping Mr Anthony Seah clear his stock, that's why I was rewarded with the bigger discount... whatever the case, now that I have my personal harness, I have a bigger reason to climb more.

I didn't join them for dinner cos Alex is supposingly celebrating Wee Li's belated birthday. I am not that close to Wee Li, only saw him twice before, so it would be weird to tag along for meal. But later I found out, my brother didn't go home for dinner on Friday, so at least my mother didn't have to eat dinner alone on Friday~

I was waiting for my bus at SMU bus stop when I saw a familar freak... Qingyao! He was my Sec 3 and 4 classmate and he hasn't change a bit for 4 years! (i.e. smiling for no good reason) He is studying accountancy at SMU and he didn't believe I'm at NUS until I flashed him my matric card... then everyone at the bus stop looked at me (I suppose they were all SMU students...thinking what on earth is a NUS freak doing at SMU bus stop)

homing mynah

I can't remember it was last Wednesday or last Thursday. I was showering in the bathroom at around 6:00 pm. I usually keep the louvre at 45 degrees for ventilation. Then halfway through my shower a mynah landed on the other side of the louvre ledge. (luckily it didn't come in.. or else...) So that birdie obediently stood there for quite long, occasionally making a sound or two. I finished up my shower and went to my mother's room to take a look.. it was a mynah, standing on the ledge and trying to sleep. It was kinda cute when a mynah sleeps, you can't find its head. Must have either hidden it under its wings or just bended down.

My mother came back for dinner and I told her about the mynah. She was saying it would be so bad to disturb the bird from its sleep. C'mon I love animals... I was so scared I would wake it up. Imagine you are sleeping and all out of a sudden some freaks shout in your ears or switch on the lights.. so for that night even when I went to pee, I didn't dare to turn on the light. (hey, if you can't see, how to aim)

The next morning I woke up at 6am cos I had lesson at 8. It was still dark but I could see the mynah's silhouette behind the louvre. Later that night my mother told me it flew off after day break... oh and the mynah changed address again~

That reminds me of Alex's homing pigeon which his father tried to pick 4D number from... hahaha! Actually it is cool to have birds visiting your home, as long as they don't leave graffiti on your windows~ =)

killing me softly

My blog has never been updated on time. I'm so busy these few days that I didn't have time to read some people's blog (or even if I did, couldn't find the energy to reply to them)
Hmm.. but still, I'm answerable to my valued readers, so I will backdate my entries as usual, in short separate entries. (as a blog reader I don't really like to read long entries)

Why am I so tired and busy these few days? 'Cos someone here wants to act garang (singlish, adj, gungho) and decided to have a crash course on SPSS.

What on earth is SPSS? It is the most powerful data mining and statistic analysis software in the world. I learned it when I was in Sec 2 in a research methodology course, and now I'm relearning it cos I've forgotten how to use it. (if I can forget all the maths I've learned at A Level, what do you expect?)

Some stupid undergrad here, in search of excellence, has conveniently decided to volunteer to compile the survey results for his Critical Thinking & Writing position paper. So these few days my brain is flooded with numbers and terms like chi square test, pearson correlation, dependent variables, layers, significance level... ARGH why am I recalling them again!!

I can't believe it, everynight I have been reading SPSS tutorials from different sources (Harvard included) and forget about my own tutorials (c'mon, since when did I pay ANY attention to my tutorials)

Nevermind... whatever the case, I will survive! (somehow)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

my critique

(as promised, I am putting up Assignment 2 for Critical Thinking and Writing. Let's hope I did score the second highest in class so that Rizwan won't feel that bad. Oopz by posting it here will my turnitin skyrocket to 100%? Anyway Ruben's article can be found at http://www.macopinion.com/columns/curmudgeon/99/01/28.html )

In the article "In Defense of Piracy (Well, Some Piracy)", Matthew Ruben argues that downloading of Top- 40 singles mp3 is acceptable. He claims that marketing strategy leads us to buy an entire album just because we like one of the songs inside. The writer maintains that it is not ethically wrong in keeping a track in the computer instead of buying the whole album. He views pirating mp3 as a practical way to counter the marketing hype employed. He brings up the practice of selling mp3 singles for download at a nominal fee, but insists that the price should be below one dollar per track. Ruben has spoken from a consumer's angle, but his argument is mainly based on personal views and lacks supporting evidence. This undermines the creditability of his argument.

Ruben claims that the argument for intellectual property rights is high-falutin', but he fails to explain how and why he thinks it is pretentious. Protection of intellectual property is important as it gives "statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations" and promotes "creativity and the dissemination and application of its results and to encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development" (WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook 2004) The writer blames marketing hype as the reason why people should turn to piracy, but in fact very few products can be sold using "hype-free" approaches (Isakson, 2003). The writer has repetitively been trying to bring across the idea to readers that there is only one good song in the entire CD. He fails to realize that there are compilation CDs available which include top hits from chart table albums. On top of that there are TV commercials promoting compilation CDs as well. The writer maintains that marketing hype uses the consumers' own desires against themselves. However we need to understand that it is by their own desires that consumers decide to purchase the particular album. There is no obligation that forces consumers to buy CDs against their will. Thus Ruben's blame on marketing hype is not valid.

The writer contradicts himself by saying that buying the CD of music that he likes is the right thing to do, yet at the same time he supports mp3 piracy. Ruben supports the idea of pirating mp3 singles as a way of protest against marketing hype, but piracy of one track from an album is still piracy. As the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry puts it, "virtually everyone dealing with music piracy knows that it is illegal" (IFPI) The writer claims that recording industry makes a large sum of profit through selling music by marketing hype, but he overlooks that piracy "caused some record stores sales to drop by 20% every year" (AFM, 2004) and artists "lose control over their work, their livelihoods, and even the incentive to create more of the music we enjoy." (WIPO) The music industry loses close to $4.2 billion to piracy globally each year. (RIAA, 2003) And as the Recording Industry Association of America puts it, "each sale by a pirate represents a lost legitimate sale, thereby depriving not only the record company of profits, but also the artist, producer, songwriter, publisher, retailer... and the list goes on" (RIAA, 2003)

Ruben maintains that mp3s for sale online should be priced at below $1 per song. But he fails to justify the reason supporting that mp3s price should be pegged at $1. He also claims that selection of mp3s available for sale online is not of the latest release and record companies will charge $5 a song. In actual fact, online mp3 stores offer top chart albums for as low as $0.99 per song at Real.com (http://musicstore.real.com) and 0.79 pounds per song at iTunes (http://www.apple.com/itunes/). This illustrates that Ruben's accusation on the price of online mp3 sale is not valid.

To sum it up, Ruben has based his argument heavily on the assumption that all albums have only one good song in each of them. He also tries to decide what is ethically correct without giving any support to the claim. His argument lacks objectivity as he bases it mainly on personal sentiments on the issue. In trying to promote piracy he shouldn't suggest piracy as a form of protest, as piracy itself is an illegal act. The writer should gather information such as statistical data and observations on the music industry so as to add depth to his argument.

Anti-Piracy (2003)
Recording Industry Association of America. Retrieved September 15, 2005 from: http://www.riaa.com/issues/piracy/default.asp

The World Intellectual Property Organization. Retrieved September 11, 2005 from: http://www.wipo.int/about-wipo/en/info_center/digital_age/consumer.htm

Isakson, J. R. (2003). Marketing hype does work if used correctly.
Only Reviews. Retrieved September 11, 2005 from: http://www.onlyreviews.com/newpages/marketinghype.html

Online Music Piracy (2004)
American Federation of Musicians. Retrieved September 11, 2005 from: http://www.afm.org/public/departments/leg_issues_05.php

Why is piracy illegal
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. Retrieved September 11, 2005 from: http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/apresources/why_is_piracy_illegal.html

WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use (2004), WIPO Publication No.489 (E) Retrieved September 15, 2005 from: http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/iprm/index.htm

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

fussy logic

There is this girl who is in the same lecture group as me. She.... always sit at the row behind me. Hmm... nothing special but dunno why I still notice her.... I would always find an excuse to turn around to take a little peek at her... NO no not the perverted kind~!

That reminds me of the time during first 3 months in JC when my eyes would sweep the whole lecture theatre to look for Pauline.. then our eyes would meet and she would laugh at my funny face.. across the whole LT! That is what I call sweet memories~!

Then there are these 2 girls in my tutorial class ... ARGH better don't say it here since my comrades from India and Pakistan will be reading this in class.... grwl why am I stopped from saying things from my heart huh???

Hmm... was chatting with Joanna on Sunday night. She was saying things like I must make an effort to make the first move or something like that...... (yes yes Joanna is the kind who needs man badly.. yeeks)

First move.. really that important?? I know from a strategic point of view, the side that commands initiative has the upper hand in a battle, but.... can't we just silently wait for the prey to fall for us? (ambush is my favourite... muhahaha)

Girls, show me some initiative! (out of my mind in comcent. Ok going off to have dinner then off to bouldering!)

crap with pleasure, blog with measure

I just don't understand, what is wrong with someone penning down his/her own feelings in his/her own blog?

This morning Ally just told me people in his company have found their way into his blog, which inevitably has his views/comments/feelings about his working environment. From what he said, it started from some people "upstair". Will he be at a disadvantage in any way just because of his blog? Plain ridiculous.

Yesterday when I stepped into Critical Thinking and Writing tutorial class, Ameet and Rizwan were teasing me about me being half-naked at home and etc.. what the.. they were reading my blog on their laptop before I came in... they just won't feel tired of purposely going to my blog whenever there is Critical Thinking and Writing tutorial. Not sure if our tutor Mrs J did catch anything from it..

Then yesterday when I reached home and looked at my computer screen, I saw QX had left an MSN message. Argh!! She has read my blog and saw the part about her pulling me into her bedroom... she clarified that she pulled me into her room so as to break the ice and make me feel more at ease... ermm... I just feel weird now.

A few months ago, err...... Nikki saw what I wrote in my blog and accused me of telling the whole world how she hurt me and stuffs.. what the hell, I feel hurt doesn't mean it was she who hurt me, right? Stop flattering yourself.... and even so, this is MY blog, I write what I want to write, I write what I like to write. What is the use of a diary if you can't write what you want to write? At least I didn't accuse her for scolding me in her blog, did I? Respect the blogger please.

Stephanie's blog also did talk about school taking action against bloggers..... arghh... this is plain stupid.

When will they start telling us what to say with our mouth? I think people just miss playing with puppets.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

chow the menace

cos it's hot and I have this habit of walking around bare-top at home. Can't say it is bad habit since afterall it is my home (of course walking around fully naked is totally another issue)

So today, I was doing Maths at the dining table when my neighbour came over to look for my mother. She is in her 50s and her husband also used to walk around bare-top at home, but still..... My mother was chopping chicken so she told me to open the door for the aunty.. but I was half-naked!!!! ermm... yeah my stupid brother, as usual, took cover in the bedroom... in the end I didn't open the door for her... but scrambled into my singlet...

That sound damn silly. But among people in my neighbourhood, I seem to get along better with old aunties than kids. My next door lives a bunch of illegal immigrant kids (joking la.. I never check their travel documents though) They just won't grow tired of having barbecue inside their home. And please, if the smog can come all the way from Indonesia to Singapore, so can the charcoal smell from next door to my room. And, their karaoke sucks. Then the unit further to the left lives a Malay family, whose son has recently turn evil.. I mean turn bad. He's only in Sec 2 but already goes out and hangs out with his gang at the void deck. Then when he see me at the void deck his whole gang would wave at me... what the....

Anyway, the aunties are normal.

climb, climbing, climbed

Alex is the most feared friend around~!! muhahaha..
Why do I say so? Yesterday 2 of his friends, Gary and Jess, actually joined us for breakfast, but they ONLY went to Yishun to have breakfast with Alex and not to climb with us. Both of them were having some injury that's why they couldn't climb... but still.... it seemed quite weird. Cos they are scared Alex will be unhappy? Well....

Haha and yes~! I gave Nicholl a wake up SMS, just in case she overslept and decided not to come.. which would in turn piss Alex off.. hahahaha! So Alex if you are reading this, you better be proud of your friends and reflect upon yourself!! muhahahaha

I start to get the hang of lead climbing! So exciting, I could feel my moves getting smoother and smoother, but towards the middle portion, my arms got pumped and couldn't execute the movements with precision.... Argh and lane 3 blue, it all went well with my high step and sit ins until I used the wrong hand! Argh.. the thing about me is when I use the wrong hand, I won't have the mood to go on.. cos you will waste so much energy trying to switch hands. Fail to plan is plan to fail... so true.... but still, I'm getting better!! hahahaha! (sharks my palms are so sweaty now..)

I went back with Nicholl on a retro Nissan UD bus 853 (yes I have a thing about buses, but it was Nicholl who came up with the word "retro") Something I discover.. when in a group of more than 3, people tend to be more jumpy and cheerful (and as a result, crap more). Nicholl was so quiet and serious on the bus ride... that applies to my IPC trio as well. Rizwan and Ameet can be quite serious when we are not in our 3s, ie 2s.

Isn't it natural phenomenon?

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