nus freshmen recognition guide

2. Walk around in school carrying orientation file.
3. Start waving for bus when it is still in front of the red light one junction away.
4. Press the bell when bus is just leaving the stop before OED. (the Sun Sports Club bus stop)
5. Start to shuffle to the exit door before the bus turns into NUS.
6. ______(fill in the blank)______
(do not take this seriously)
6. Walks around looking at signs attached to the ceilings.
Shucks, I do that too.
tstar, at 8/31/2006 05:41:00 PM
u seem to have sthg against the fresh ppl man..
Anonymous, at 8/31/2006 09:15:00 PM
hehz... oops... =P
tstar, at 9/01/2006 01:03:00 AM
i have nothing against fresh ppl, cos I was once fresh, just that sometimes they so gan cheong it gets irritating.
I do look at signs when I go arts or science, and even engin labs. ISB I seldom take, so I could be doing the same thing too. It is the public bus that has those sightings... 151.....
I'm serious I saw this girl waving desperately at the bus when it was still waiting for the light one junction away, about 150m away.
ermm people, I said don't take this entry seriously right?
chillycraps, at 9/01/2006 07:08:00 AM
I guess if you get some EE guys to post their daily craps, you'll probably get much more traffic. I believe there're more craps in NUS EE. Yea, heck it!
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 11:07:00 PM
nah, I'm not really after traffic.
EE guys are too god-like liao~ can't understand how they manage to cope!
anyway there's always currytan!
chillycraps, at 1/27/2007 09:05:00 AM
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