
Thursday, October 13, 2005

on sluts and bastards

Hong Jun thought that Dr Laurence Leong was so vulgar in today's sociology lecture...
I think those terms were just nice.

The topic discussed was Religion. As a freethinker I think I can accept some of the points brought up better than those who are believers. (how many of you would actually say bad things about yourself?) For example, there is this exchange relationship in which the religion offers routes to reward while the people commit long-term relationship and obligation to the religion. Rewards can come in the form of immortality, better afterlife.. etc. Or even like how Ally said, it is like calling out the Genie. hmm... when I was down that time, I almost resorted to THAT.. (rubbing my Nalgene bottle hoping a hot sexy genie girl will pop out.. haha no lah)

Then there is this risk aversion where people place a smart bet as they feel they have all to gain and nothing to lose. Just like, if there is God then good lah, if there is no God then life as usual. (how about saying Red Bull gives you wings? If you don't drink Red Bull you won't die anyway)

And even religion can be linked to economy~! religious economy = demand for religion + supply of religion. Religions become a-la-carte menu and they compete for believers. How? Well.. not sure if any City Harvest people are reading my blog... but... haha I just stated it didn't I? In a way religion has become a pop culture. (I'm not going to elaborate since I mentioned it in an earlier entry) In a way I still think that when people have religion vacuum, they create god. Have you heard of 雷锋 from China? He was a soldier, and his conduct was so exemplary that the Communist sort of "put him onto the altar".. And what about Chairman Mao? Well... I rather turn to Powerpuff Girls.

Hmm.. and the horrible part is, in trying to garner more support, religions begin to close one eye! Things like pre-marrital sex and extra-marrital sex, as there are more and more people doing these things, religions start to keep quiet on these issues! What the hell~ that is so lame! It is like, if religion A says strictly no sex before marriage, then people will conveniently turn to other religions, and religion A loses this group of "customers".

Some interesting fact: a McDonald's meal can offend 13 religions and 61% of the world population!! I must say, the 61% are not quite religious... *giggle giggle*

You must be thinking, what has sluts and bastards got to do with religion? Oh... Dr Leong was saying you shouldn't dress like a slut when you go into a buddhist temple, if not those not steady monks will.. er... yah you all know.... then about the bastards, he said some people marry cos they don't want their children to be called bastards.

(wow, like that also can revise my lecture)


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