Lunchbox: Jazz-Funk Shaken & Stirred
The four ladies were damn power!! Especially the drummer (the one on the far right, I think she's called Audrey) The way she played the drum was really "god-like"! They sang David Tao's 夜来香 super duper twisted! Today the Concert Hall was full-house, even the 3rd level circle seats were full~ I think some schools were there as an outing.. plus quite a big number of supporters for the band.
Originally was thinking of dragging Alex along, since he seem pretty stressed out by work lately. But I think lunch time is too packed for him (thus may end up stressing him more when he rush for lunch), and I was worried I may miss the show, so ended up didn't even meet him for lunch. Someone else was on my mind, (she's reading...) but guess she may have lessons and not that good to ask her to skip lesson. (oh, actually I skipped Maths laboratory session today... =p hushush!)
Yup so I went alone. But I wasn't quite alone afterall.. had a short chat with a middle-age man sitting beside me. He seems to be a jazz player~ so we talked about how crowded it was, other performance, etc etc. But one bad thing, he hummed along and whistled a little.. to which a lady on my right giggled about to her companion...
After the show it was raining outside (until now.. now I'm at NUS ComCent) I took a walk at Market Place at Raffles City basement... Dunno why just enjoy strolling in supermarkets.. haha! Wanted to buy a pack of 5 japanese coffee which cost $6 (the type that has a filter paper)... struggled for a bit and decided not to buy. If I buy I will get scolding for sure... hahaha!
Hmm.. now waiting for my bouldering session later at NUS rock gym....
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