red hot chilly lobster.. I mean climber.
There was quite a crowd there at Yishun, our gang had Alex, Nicholl, Meder and Shun Fu who is Alex's colleague. Bernard and Co was there, teamNUS was there, among others...
Hmm.. cleared lane 5 white, failed lane 3 blue again, failed lane 4 blue.. maybe it has to do with the colour of the tiles.. you know, "blue" in Chinese sounds the same as "difficult"? Wow Meder has improved fast! I feel so happy for him~ He was telling me things like process is more important that the result and blah blah.. I know that, but somehow it sounds nicer coming from someone else's mouth. Oh I never failed to joked that he must have read too much rockclimbing books. =)
There were so many funny things this morning.... let me list them case by case:
1) Chee Meng. Obviously he is a powerful climber. He cleared lane 4 blue with grace and ease, and what's more, with an iPod Shuffle with him!! So it was like half way his ear piece would drop out from his ear, then he would casually stuff it back into his ear!! It actually happened more than 3 times! Wow.. he must have appeared cocky in the eyes of those who don't know him. Aha he down climbed, then went up by red route.. which looked like a piece of cake to him! *Sigh* when will I reach that state??
2) Bernard. I just can't help thinking he is a funny guy. He looked a little pissed when he asked the office for 2 climbing ropes then the SAFRA staffs didn't attend to him but continued to do whatever at their desk. Bernard's Nalgene bottle is a killer.... it has a cute Ultraman sticker!! HAHAHA! I can't hold my laughter now! Guess it was too sunny, he was belaying with sunglasses, and Nicholl shouted across teasing him.. haha that's us, shouting at teasing around at Yishun.
3) Wendys. Yes it is plural, 2 Wendys. Alex and I were saying hi to Wendy when she looked at us puzzled. Turn out that Wendy was belaying another Wendy, so she didn't know who we were greeting~! That's so cool to have 2 Wendys sharing the same hobby, and doing it together! There was one point the thinner Wendy was belaying the rounder Wendy, she was hugging on to the lamp post. Then Alex shouted across and said, "Wendy you feeling lonely is it??" ermm.. -_-# what was that comment for... hahaha.. (the rounder Wendy is the one we knew earlier, who came up with Wendy's theory of tying figure-of-8 knots. this is the first time we see the thinner Wendy)
Later at S11 we met the Wendys again!! So we had lunch together, chatted and got to know more about one another. Alex was feeling guilty afterwards for not engaging in conversation with the thinner Wendy. Guess she is the quieter of the 2 Wendys, but I think she is quite pretty leh!! =) Too bad again I'm the youngest... so funny I always mix with old people~
4) Nicholl. Actually nothing to say about her, but just dunno where to slot in what she said today. When we were leaving the place she said something like I'm the most innocent and good mah that kind of thing... ermm... dunno why she suddenly pop that comment. Oh first time saw Nicholl lead-climb!! Again, executed with grace and ease, with me at the belaying end.
ARGHHH next Saturday is Statics & Mechanics test... can't climb next week. At least I didn't miss today's climb. *grin grin*
haha... yah, this week was reasonabily better. Just that now I'm so lobsterised!
Too bad next week you not ard.... haiz....
Alex Wong, at 10/23/2005 09:21:00 PM
it doesn't mean i not climbing this coming saturday then you all can't climb wad... not as if it is mahjong or wad....
don't make me feel guilty leh... I know you all won't miss me.. hahaha!
chillycraps, at 10/23/2005 09:44:00 PM
dunnoe, mebbe I won't climb also, go and do other stuff. See how.
Alex Wong, at 10/25/2005 11:01:00 PM
see? making me feel guilty again..
chillycraps, at 10/25/2005 11:10:00 PM
Thanks for the complement! But that will probably be the first and last time i listen to the shuffle while i climb...quite irritating when the earpiece pops out. - Cheemeng
Anonymous, at 10/29/2005 12:26:00 AM
This is the blog of ya idol!
Anonymous, at 10/29/2005 01:15:00 AM
oh no... this drug den has been discovered....
chillycraps, at 10/29/2005 08:14:00 AM
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