forlorn face
Today the IPC trio went for the conferencing with Mrs J for our Critical Thinking & Writing position paper. Halfway through the discussion Mrs J said "Siu Hang you look so depressed" ...
Was I?
hmm.. I know for sure that very moment my mind was somewhere away from Mrs J's office. Was I thinking of ways to improve on our position paper? Hmm dream on.
I think I was worrying something else. Our module on CTW is coming to the end soon with no more tutorial sessions. I think I will miss my 2 competent groupmates since we may not be sharing the same tutorial group next semester. I think our position paper is wonderful because of those 2 intelligent and committed chaps (can't help feeling proud). Place me in any other combination and I may end up in the drain.. oh although the girls are competent too, but guess if I'm in their group they will lose their concentration cos their chairs would be wet.... oopZ.
My dear allies from India and Pakistan, please feel flattered.
friends come and go.. people leave and there's no feast tat's really gonna be endless..
yep.. so look forward.. treasure your friendship while u can.. i'll miss my exchange friends here in sydney when i go back home.. and they go back home..
ya so.. let's just look forward and live everyday to the max.. u will definitely still see them when u go to school.. mine is gonna be like never.. unless i go for exchange to england or canada.. so ya.. i'm treasuring every moment with them now..
DJ Niwde, at 10/17/2005 10:05:00 PM
I miss my CNM proj group already...! So ridiculous, we haven't even started discussing the speech for presentation in LECTURE and I miss them already. We're not excellent in our work (although I'd like our grp to be), but we had fun times together...
and i guess usually after 1 sem ppl will juz drift apart lah, unless you all keep in contact with each other. must treasure the time spent with them now... haiz...
Anonymous, at 10/17/2005 10:53:00 PM
sharks... they thought i'm gay!!
now I must prove them wrong by having more wet dreams!!!
Or I shall write tstar-style erotic blogs.
chillycraps, at 10/18/2005 11:33:00 PM
my blog is NOT erotic! it is "pure and innocent as white as snow"... hahahaha... wat a coincidence, my frenz tink i'm lesbian.. *shake hands*
i shld start talking less.. when i talk, i go on non-stop.. like now.. ur frenz muz b irritated wif me.. sorry!
Anonymous, at 10/19/2005 12:15:00 AM
I don't see why must my frenz be irritated wif you. C'mon this is MY blog..
go on tstar! I like it when people post long long comments on my blog, shows that they are using their heart other than just pumping blood. One of the motivating factor for me to blog is to have ppl reading my blog, and I know someone is reading when I see comments. Altho people may just read but refuse to comment, it may just be a wild guess on my part.
You are a lesbian?? Wow.. the "male" part or the "female" part?? hahaha! I think some of the "males" look damn cool lor!! AJC must be famous for the lesbians...
chillycraps, at 10/19/2005 08:14:00 AM
i'm not a lesbian, my frenz juz tease tat i am... we r famous for lesbians? i only remem like mayb 1 or 2 in my batch..
Anonymous, at 10/19/2005 06:48:00 PM
I know you are not lesbian.. (plz, I can read)
the batch before yours got quite a lot... from cedar.. (don't tell me you are from cedar..) that class photo with 2 girls french kissing and appear in all major porn sites.. (no i didn't visit them)
chillycraps, at 10/19/2005 09:22:00 PM
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