
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Full Metal Panic TSR ended...

feel like crying now.. *sob sob*
Just finished watching the final episode of Full Metal Panic The Second Raid. I am the type who gets touched very easily one, so...

Full Metal Panic TSR is a sequel to the first series Full Metal Panic. The link between 1 and 2 is pretty good, so you must watch the first series to understand what they are talking about in the second series. In TSR the battlefield has shifted to Hong Kong, with super high accurate details of the place inside the anime(the drawer actually went to HK to recce, the scenes you see in the anime are the exact replica of the real world). Well.. they tried hard to include cantonese, but Melissa Mao's speech sucks considering she is a Chinese.

The fighting scene wasn't as spectacular as in the first series, and quite a portion of the story revolves around Sousuke's search for purpose in life and his desertion, wandering around in the streets of Hong Kong. Mecha wise, there is the addition of a cool looking black M9 Gernsback piloted by the new captain of the Special Response Team SRT.. too bad I don't have picture of this new toy.

The ending was the part that drives tears out from me. Out of nowhere Kaname showed up in front of the disheartened Sousuke and kind of whack some sense out of him, and he once again get back to the pilot seat of his Arbalest and defeat the freaks. Kind of a perfect ending where everyone is happy. Although Tessa didn't win Sousuke's heart, but she was overjoyed when Souseke called her by her nick for the first time instead of calling her "Colonel Ma'am". Kaname still didn't express her feeling towards Sousuke, but guess it is pretty much in the heart of both of them.

13 episodes are a bit short, but just nice for such a storyline.... if not I would have to wait painfully every week for the next episode...

Sousuke's Arbalest, complete with shotgun and 'lamda driver'

Melissa's M9 Gernsback with radar jamming antenna on head

Weber's M9 Gernsback with sniper rifle.


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