
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

exam stress-busters

Take a Break!

Breaks are a necessity not a luxury. They keep us sharp and help us maintain concentration. They can take the form of a quiet walk on the beach, a chat with family and friends or a rousing game of tennis. Physical exercise is especially important to help release the tension from sitting hunched over our books the whole day.

Avoid Negative Self-talk!

At all costs, avoid
o focusing only on the bad parts of things. E.g. Panicking on the material not convered vs drawing reassurance on those you have?
o succumbing to all-or-nothing thinking. E.g. "I need to get an A on this course or I've failed."
o jumping to conclusions. E.g. "I didn't do well in my last assignment so I am going to do really badly in this course."

Those thoughts are irrational and unhelpful. Try these quick affirmations
o "I can't do it all. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose."
o "It's not that bad."
o "I'll be ready next time."

Organise your time!

Plan and develop a practical and realistic schedule for your day. Prioritise your activities according to urgency and importance. Sure, it's never possible to complete all that we must or would like to - but we can often do quite a lot!

(brought to you by the Personal Guidance & Counselling Services team@Office of Student Affair, National University of Singapore)


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