mood swing with fall factor 9
Don't ask me why, if I know the reason I would have already solved it myself.
It just started a couple of minutes ago, give it maximum one hour.
Was it because of someone's MSN nick says something like "I love you xxxxx!"? (sorry can't name her here.. she reads my blog, and the xxxxx doesn't equate to any part of my name) Was it because Alex invited me into MSN chat with Jason??
Wow luckily Nicole gave me a past year A Level English paper to proof-read for her, that did pull my mind away from the unhappy things.
Alex, if you are reading this, please, try to refrain from connecting me and Jason.. I know I'm peace-loving but still.... I'm human. And, Mister Chow, please DO NOT look at other people's MSN nick again... once bitten twice still not shy ah? (no Nicole not you, anyway can't be bothered with you too.. hahaha!) I just don't know why I'm so over-observant in this kind of details. Details about the past, details about grudges, details about other people's personal life...
I wish I can delete all the non essential contacts from my MSN. Essential means climbers and school mates. Oh, my wish seldom comes true.
Err.... Enemity runs deep eh.... ok la... will do. Sorry.
Alex Wong, at 10/25/2005 10:58:00 PM
maybe it's just on my part... I don't have a big heart..
one thing for sure, I hold grudges! ooi your $1.2 milo ice..
chillycraps, at 10/25/2005 11:12:00 PM
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