think on THE spot
This morning I was sitting on the toilet bowl, then out of nowhere my mind started to think of the scenario where I fall to my death while rockclimbing, then I use my last breath to mutter the line "xxxxxx I love you..."
Isn't it more practical to use my last breath to scold the belayer for not locking his carabiner?!?!?!?!
Talking about climbing, call me childish, call me immature, but I really don't feel like going down to Yishun if Jason will be there. Yes maybe his presence can amuse Nicholl, but I know I won't enjoy the day. Hmm then I'll go climbing with Meder on weekday nights, somemore can climb with Norwegian and German girls~ hahaha! I may seem neutral on the surface, but really I don't like the idea of climbing with Jason. I know who I can entrust my life with and who cannot. Experience can be gained, but not attitude and personality. NOT HIS.
This afternoon ran through Nikki's year 2000 Alevel English paper. Alex asked me before why am I doing this for her/why she didn't ask her bf English. Hmm.. her bf may be busy? She looks up upon me? Maybe cos I just enjoy helping her? Maybe cos I learn a lot in the process as well?? Aww why must we complicate everything?
Anyway, history repeats itself today. After I read about that MSN nick that I mentioned in my previous entry yesterday, I actually itchy went to see her Friendster profile this afternoon.... "In a relationship" ARGH hahaha really once bitten twice still not shy! But this time round I don't feel hurt at all, maybe cos from the beginning I didn't think of being with her, so... or maybe I've grown stronger from the previous one. But anyway as though playing a joke on myself, the sound of "O Fortuna" was ringing in my head... LOL.
Just don't understand, why my love for rock climbing can't fill my lack of relationship...
how do u add in that audio clip? single good lah, dun need to get attached...
Anonymous, at 10/24/2005 09:54:00 PM
aha, finally got a reply~
why single good?? when you see other people all double, don't u feel sour?? Especially people you thought cannot-make-it also attached, don't you feel pathetic??
(you seem to be more interested in knowing how to add the audio clip then replying my entry.. hahaha!)
I can't include the html tag in this reply, instead I'll send to you separately.
chillycraps, at 10/24/2005 10:05:00 PM
wat in e world is tat html tag?! am i supposed to actually type THAT into my html?! and i haven't tried it out.. tink i'll go on a hiatus for e time being to study for exams... and proj.. and my 5000 word term paper... oh, and u shld really stop "I will be like aimlessly staring at the screen, looking at online forums and blogs and keep pressing the refresh button, hoping that something new will pop up, ie new post or new blog entry."
go "pack my books and go to the void deck to study beside the old people there, " like you said.. haha..
and regarding tat single thing, yar, it sucks sometimes but isn't it nice to haf to make decisions only for urself, you, and you alone?
Anonymous, at 10/25/2005 10:20:00 PM
haha, comments section becoming a HTML tutorial session.
Anyway... Firstly, who's that person you love?? Oei! Must say!
Secondly, ok la.... if Jason comes along for climbing, we try to keep you two separate ok? We book two lanes.... then he won't belay you. k.
Alex Wong, at 10/25/2005 10:56:00 PM
tstar: yes you are supposed to paste that whole thing at the place you want it to be. Anyway sounds like you wanted to include a music for the sake of including it...
Advice noted. I will try to booby-trap my keyboard. As for single or not, have you forgotten "non mihi solum"? or is it "mihi solum" for you??
alex: who's that person I love? noone. (tstar you got chance liao.. haha!)
It is not about keeping me and jason separated, we won't quarrel for sure, but u will just see a quiet and very black face chow there. If like that I might as well don't go.
I absented myself from Tong's makan session at his house bcos of this. I don't want it to spread to my climbing session as well..
So you are saying he belay other people dangerously is ok?
*trying hard stop myself from punching the screen*
chillycraps, at 10/25/2005 11:22:00 PM
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