when nikki meets IPC
Recently have been hooking up Nicole to chat with real human beings in my life. First we had Alvin, then Alex, now Ameet and Rizwan...
At first I chatted with her one to one, I sensed something was holding up in her mind, but I knew better than to force her to say it out. To force someone to say his/her heart out is analogous to raping, just that one is forcing things out and the other, forcing things in(usually). Anyway she has her bf. (now, don't u get the point? if her bf can't hear her out, who can?)
She claimed that whenever she wants to talk to me about her problem, she always feel "ignored", "insulted" and "inched" (hk slang, something like arrogant/sarcasm) She is also afraid that she may say something wrong and hurt me. Yeah yeah said my heart is brittle... sigh, human start more wars when they try to end war (i.e. that sentence already had the hurting effect. Why can't she say things that are not hurting?). Ignored, how can she feel ignored when I am all ears? Insulted, I don't insult anyone, at least if I do, I didn't mean it; "inched".. hmm... that is the interesting part. She told me before her bf is very arrogant.. oh I forgot the magic word: "bf".
So in an attempt to let her see real arrogance/crap/sarcasm, I looked up my MSN contact list.. *grin grin* they were online! I think Nicole was kinda culturally shocked by the amount of craps the IPC talked. Of course she was turn off by the low class comments from the trio, very much to my pleasure to piss her off.. hahaha! oopz did I just enjoy pissing people off? Things like "Chow did you make nikki wet?" "oh I poured a bucket of water on her" etc. It was so fun that we called each other names as usual, and I have the "slut", "idiot" that kind of names.. and they called Nicole a cross-dresser and transvestite. Can't blame them, since Nicole refused to introduce her true self and kept claiming she is from India (for goodness sake, Ameet is an Indian and Rizwan is a Pakistani, she should have said something like American Red Indian if she really wanted to fake it...) Anyway they know about her since they read my blog, and obviously she doesn't know about them. Since Nicole likes English so much so I was telling her that Ameet and Rizwan's English is damn powerful, which received violent objections from the 2 ambassadors.
Dunno why, find myself a little sadistic now. Maybe I just want to find real human beings to share my emotinoal load. Thanks Alvin, Alex Ameet and Rizwan.....
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