It was a super duper sunny Saturday~! What a waste if we didn't go out and climb. Just felt like a hibernatus waking up from his sleep (ok it's just a few weeks I guess)
I was early and the wall was empty, cos most of the climbers went for Rockmaster competition. Anyway it was Meder, Nicholl (surprisingly she came), Kai Sing, Wendy, Angie and her buddy. Alex was preparing for his trip so I didn't ask him down. It just felt like the whole wall was ours!! Dunno what striked me, but I was like "what the hell" and took off my shirt and climbed bare-top... my first time though. (think it won't happen again =P)
The word
insane was ringing in my head when Meder and Nicholl psychoed me to try leading inclined red!!
LEAD-CLIMB!! Oh anyway it proved to be very enjoyable. =) It turned out to be a team effort by us, with Meder leading up 2/3 of the route, then he reached "vertical limit" (just kidding) and so Nicholl continued from then on, but to no avail, and finally the 4 eyes were looking at me.... -_-" ok 6 eyes including Wendy's.
So I went up, lead-climbed the remaining 1/3 of the red inclined route. Couldn't quite believe it too. It was very entertaining, with the occasional constipating sound and the one "shit!" remark when one of the runner's orientation was wrong. (hey Meder used the F word as well) Meder commented that I made one nice move near the top when I raised my left foot up, jam it horizontally on a hold and locked myself to the wall while my left hand went about the business of clipping in the runner. Oh now I feel very man thinking of when I shouted down "
slack" to Meder who was belaying me. ^-^
We tried lane 3 blue as well, this time round I still couldn't complete the route, but I did improve~ thanks to my sling, now I'm left with 2-3 more panels. Oh I'm really glad I have the sling, at least when I rest on the wall the belayer can off belay and rest too, compared to he/she having to constantly keep the tension. More humane huh?
The 3 of us were sitting in the shadow of the inclined wall and Nicholl said one thing to me, "You just need to have more faith in yourself." That applies to life too right?