
Thursday, January 19, 2006

lecture recording

For my Singapore's Military History lecture today, I attempted to record the lecturer's voice using my Creative MuVo MP3 player's recording function. Turn out the effect wasn't that fantastic, have to really turn the volume knob to maximum during playback to make out the words slightly clearer.

Why do I even want to record it? I thought for Arts, it is not about munching books and practising questions, but more like absorbing and osmosis through the skin (not literally), so I thought I can playback the lecture once in a while so that the ideas would come naturally whenever I think of the topic. Wow lucky me I didn't totally slack during the lecture hoping to get whatever I want through the sound recordings, at least I did take down notes, but having the sound clip would be wonderful.

So what I did was to download this toy called foobar2000, a playback tool with Replaygain function which lets you adjust the gain, ie the volume. Managed to increase the volume, but then not only does the lecturer's voice become louder, so is background noise such as latecomers banging door, or students laughing to the lecturer's jokes... (did I hear my pen tip writing away on the notepad?)

There ain't best of both worlds, but at least I got the world that I wanted.


  • My hp recording works quite well with the speaker turned towards the lecturer. Although it can only record like 5 min of the entire 2 hour lecture... hehz
    u hav mp3! *eyes it*

    By Blogger tstar, at 1/19/2006 11:04:00 PM  

  • now i dunno if i should continue recording.. maybe I should sit in front for the next lecture, closer to the sound source.

    reminds me of the "no recording" warning before a concert...

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 1/19/2006 11:31:00 PM  

  • hmm.. get a microphone lor.. then a digital mixer tat u can download online.. then from there.. listen to the levture lor.. think it's better tat way right?? hehehe..

    oh ya.. are u climbin this weekend??

    By Blogger DJ Niwde, at 1/20/2006 03:51:00 AM  

  • my mp3 player doesn't have mic jack...

    if only i have a laptop...

    anyway not sure if i'm climbing leh.. why?

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 1/20/2006 04:29:00 PM  

  • aiya.. u think laptop's mic is good meh?? no good la.. hahaha..

    hmm.. no la.. askin ma.. wanna see if u climbing not ma.. cuz i was thinkin of gg ma.. heheh..

    By Blogger DJ Niwde, at 1/20/2006 04:32:00 PM  

  • nah using laptop to record is not a good idea, sound quality not that good and the file is enormous too

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/21/2006 02:21:00 AM  

  • laptop has a mic jack, and you can plug in an external mic for it, no?

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 1/21/2006 02:33:00 PM  

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