old book, new book

I remember last semester this time (ie start of the semester) we were busy hunting for textbook. I would never settle for anything less than a brand new book. Now I look at it, how many pages of those books did I really read? How many pages did I even flip through?
It is like those lame people who boost about their books collection at home, but they have not even finished reading one book from the shelf. So what if I had nice looking books? I still did badly for my exam.
Dunno what struck me this semester, I'm hunting for second hand books. Well, not all of cos, some books I still need new books. So today I went to Buyback Asia's sale and bought my Singapore Studies text, saved 40%!! Oh I also sold my Sociology text today to a girl... well... I must say she is lucky cos I maintained my book in perfect condition. The point is I don't want to waste that book, and she is fated. Congrats to her.

By the way, I got a bit of surprises at Clementi Bookstore, so do check it out~ (no no no not the nice girls there, but the textbooks!)
clementi book store got the latest books at the cheapest price.. got some of my books there at a cheap price man.. hahaha.. but like wad u say.. some never use..
but most of it used already la.. got a lot of things have to read up on our own one lor.. kinda jialat.. but well.. worth all the work.. learn much more tat way..
DJ Niwde, at 1/10/2006 12:25:00 AM
haiz, haf to go get books again.. absolutely hate hunting them down. plus this sem my texts seem to be published in 2004 liddat de, all relatively recent, which means diff to find 2nd hand ones...
hmm.. i'll go check out clementi bookstore..
wat's e use of getting brand new books anyway? e words r e same, e ideas the same. i'd rather get a 2nd hand one. the used-book feeling makes me feel like studying.. haha...
Anonymous, at 1/10/2006 12:35:00 AM
Got meaning meh?Ppl always give me books one leh
Anonymous, at 1/10/2006 01:39:00 AM
edwin: even if it is not cheaper, i don't mind paying a little more just to beat the queue. Turns out, it is cheaper than NUS Co-op, plus customized wrapping.
steph: my history text was 2004 edition as well, and I got it from Buyback Asia, so maybe you should check it out. Did you try IVLE as well?
Actually my "brand new" books were all new edition, so the data inside are a little different from 2nd hand books. Yah this sem I started to have 2nd hand books.. yay~
Well come to think of it, both of us are deceived, just that in opposite ways.
hj: yup giving books to someone can be quite symbolic, especially if you pen down something on the first page. But somehow I gave mine away quite casually... It's the sharing that matters!
chillycraps, at 1/10/2006 04:28:00 PM
hi, I think that be it old book or new book, as long as the knowledge inside is useful to the reader, it's a good book =P
Huanyan, at 1/11/2006 12:27:00 AM
Thanks for the tip-off man! I saved money and time by avoiding CO-OP.
Anonymous, at 1/11/2006 01:57:00 PM
huanyan: hi! thanks for dropping by~. That sounds like the famous cat comment by Deng Xiaoping...
o~d: no problem man. Sounds like we are boycotting Co-op =P Anyway they still haven't have stock for MA1506 text at Clementi, so am just wondering whether I should get from co-op..
chillycraps, at 1/11/2006 04:29:00 PM
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