two thousand and five
I realise I haven't talked about 2005. (or should I say I haven't explicitly talked about 2005, since all my entries before 1/1/2006 were about 2005) This is one of those obligatory die die must write kind of entry.
So on 21st March 2005 I completed my full-time National Service. CPT Teo was right, ORDed will feel lost. Call me sadistic, but I miss my bed and the cookhouse, in a way majority of my army life has given me more freedom. Don't tell me to sign on, cos not as if I don't want to.
After NS I worked at Hewlett Packard for one month as customer care specialist, entertaining HP customers from an interesting place called Hong Kong. Working life is different, no matter how short/temporary it is. Everyday was economical rice in styrofoam box for me. Oh I miss the Nescafe machine in the pantry.
August, start of my university life. Got to know some nice/not nice people. Birthday, bought home a Ritz apple struddel and happily ate with parents. Gave myself a very special present: deleted everything related to Nikki. August, first time feeling so hurt over ridiculous boy-girl-relationship (there wasn't a relationship anyway)First time feeling so resolute.
Hmm... can't remember when I bought my climbing gear, but at least it was some sort of a pledge to be serious about the sports. Got to know more climbers. My climbing still sucks =P
Err.. so what am I supposed to say? To sum it up, 2005 is over (duh!)
I'm not going to make any plan for 2006. If you have no plan in the first place, how to fail your plan??
tat's a brief outlook of life in 2005.. just think of it.. it's kinda fast eh.. time past so fast that you just blink... and then u just feel it's just yesterday when u ORDed..
DJ Niwde, at 1/04/2006 10:10:00 PM
yah... I think time was really fast too for 2005. I always felt that time dragged on while in army, but in the blink of an eye, its over, and I had been working for more than half a year liao!
Time can really fly, which is also a reason why you should plan it, otherwise you have no idea where all of it flies to!
Alex Wong, at 1/04/2006 10:23:00 PM
wow... was that from someone who always says "don't feel like working" on almost any day of the week, then 45 minutes before 6pm he would start the countdown??
you guys really like to blink...
chillycraps, at 1/04/2006 11:40:00 PM
hahaha.... ya lor.. time always moves slowly while you are waiting for something, then suddenly look back... wa... all gone liao.
Alex Wong, at 1/05/2006 09:39:00 AM
"Time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much..."
chillycraps, at 1/05/2006 09:47:00 AM
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