$ and way of living

I was stoning at the canteen, looking at the bursary/award recipients, then suddenly I thought of my deep conversation with Mr Gerard a few weeks ago. We were talking about the kind of things that we want to do in life, I said the income won't be stable anymore if we really want to do something we are passionate about (like social work, volunteerism, etc). Then he said, rich people have their way of living, poor people also have their way to survive. I think of it, quite true, not so rich then live simple.
Recently my mother has been grumbling a bit. She said now that my father doesn't have a steady income, etc etc, (then she complained about somemore things, not that convenient to say them here... but along the line that my brother and I still haven't come out to work) Some people have been making unpleasant comments about me saving a lot, spending very little, from meals, from entertainment, but they just can't see where the spending is done. Now I must cut down even more on my spendings, ie cut down on my outings (which is already close to zero now) and unnecesary expenditure. Don't really want to cut down my climbing, but if I have to, I just have to. Not sure if I can cope if I give tuitions, don't want to give myself excuse for not doing well in exam...
I looked at the bursary recipients, some of them looked quite funky, oh I must be thinking where did they get the money to buy trendy stuffs. Not for us to judge I guess, and not-that-rich people have their way of living too.
I wish the coffee machine can run forever for me.
(I feel very sorry that I can't do more for Stephanie... enough excuses from me though, and this entry sucks.)
no entry sucks at all.. it's how u wanna put it.. well.. wad i can say for your last sentence is.. jiayou.. u have my best wishes..
DJ Niwde, at 1/02/2006 11:33:00 PM
hey, cheer up a bit.. hope tat things will be better soon, however it may...
since i have already talked to u abt ur last sentence, won't babble here.. just want to say tat not everything is abt money. actions don't have to be spending, so don't think too much horz...
Anonymous, at 1/03/2006 12:27:00 AM
there are things that money can't buy, but you need money to do the things that money can't buy....
Sometimes I really wonder if there is utopia in a communist world... oopz is this taboo?
chillycraps, at 1/03/2006 12:33:00 AM
We need to find a balance for everything. In this age/community, we definately need money, unless you intend to be a hermit or a hippie, even then you still need money! haha.
I suppose, question really is, how much do you need?
With regards to working, hey, eventually you will start working la, is there a need to rush into it? haha. And you spend alot of money meh? Even climbing also not that much rite?
always had the impression that you very thrifty. And I think you are.
Else if you are that broke, we find other cheap stuff to do also la.... there's always jogging, which is totally free.... muahahaha
Alex Wong, at 1/03/2006 08:49:00 AM
I'm just a miser =P
Cannot do jogging, much that I would want to do, but it will just make my pain in the foot worse. Come to think of it climbing not THAT expensive now that I have my gear and SAC membership.. (that is like bluffing myself, haha cos I spent upfront already)
How much do I need? There is nothing known as enough in reality, $10 may be enough for some good food at hawker centre, but not enough for the cheapest restaurant dish. If you want to calclute, $10 can buy you a sack of rice, and you can stuff yourself full with plain rice.
So, it is still adaptation.
chillycraps, at 1/03/2006 08:56:00 AM
hmmm.. suddenly become so intellectual talk about money.. well.. to me.. money isn't everything.. though u can measure how much you can buy with $10.. i guess the more u compare, the more $10 might just seems bigger and bigger...
DJ Niwde, at 1/03/2006 11:05:00 AM
isn't my blog supposed to be intellectual crap?
There is a Chinese verse that says "拔一毛以利天下而不为", think every tiny bits of hair counts.
chillycraps, at 1/03/2006 12:21:00 PM
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