anger management

It says that there are 2 forms of anger, one is explosive, the other is implosive. So Sandler plays this guy who is nice, honest, always being pushed around, lacks confidence, jealous, and most importantly, angry at himself. Does that remind you of someone in this blog? Sigh... must learn to be more resolute and confident.
One quote I find quite meaningful:
You can't get rid of your temper by losing it.
To my dear readers, manage your anger~!
now I feeling more and more like the main character in this movie... JEALOUS! This is just stupid... just because I saw someone commenting in Stephanie's blog and I feel jealous =P Threatened to be more precise.. haha.
Actually in the movie, Sandler constantly feel insecure because his girlfriend has a old friend, and Sandler happened to see his genital at the urinal(and something about size), and somehow that guy landed in a higher appointment than him in the same company, so Sandler feels pathetic about himself, always in constant fear that his girlfriend will go for that guy.. etc etc. The most hurting part is when Sandler said to his gf that maybe they should separate for a while, then she can date other people as she likes... blah blah...
Sigh... I feel like him.(minus the genital part, cos I don't look at other people's thingie)
chillycraps, at 1/01/2006 09:39:00 PM
wat "threatened to be more precise"?
silly you, what for jealous? it's kind of amusing.. hehz.
a blog IS public...
Anonymous, at 1/01/2006 11:35:00 PM
"threatened" as in.. the position?hmm.. challenged? unstable? debunked? insecure?
more like insecure.
I'm just oversensitive, not the first time anyway, so nvm.
chillycraps, at 1/02/2006 09:41:00 AM
Actually... its not really that easy to manage your emotions. Its very much EQ lor.
Still remember I went for this cust. svc cert course, and the guy said something very interesting... haha, not sure if related.
"In life, either accept or reject. Never resist."
Interesting, isn't it?
Alex Wong, at 1/02/2006 03:46:00 PM
is rejecting similar to resisting??
you resist the temptation is like you reject the temptation.. no?
Like Alvin liked to say in office, self control is the biggest form of control....
chillycraps, at 1/02/2006 08:26:00 PM
Got difference.... to reject sometime so to do so completely, to put it out of the mind... think need specific example lor.
Alex Wong, at 1/02/2006 08:29:00 PM
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