reckless driver

So yesterday after a bit of shopping with my mother and brother at OG, we came out and crossed that open space outside OG. There were a lot of kids riding these toys, then there was this girl who was on a motorbike, she came straight at me, and when I tried to avoid collision, she just went to the direction that I tried to go... and she wanted to cross under my crotch!!! (like train under tunnel) I realize at that collision course her head would hit my groin, so...... I lifted my left leg and she crossed under it... phew~
Reminded me of those gangsters on bike. Maybe I should have dived to the right. Dramatic.
wow... even little girls dig you now....
Alex Wong, at 1/02/2006 08:32:00 PM
is that supposed to be gross?
chillycraps, at 1/02/2006 09:01:00 PM
wah.. so young so horny already.. hahahaha...
DJ Niwde, at 1/02/2006 09:59:00 PM
not really nice comment on kids.
chillycraps, at 1/02/2006 10:47:00 PM
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