perfect cup of coffee

Some like their coffee sweet, some like theirs bitter; Some like it white, some like it black. But all can't resist the temptaion of its aroma. Pure indulgence.
What happens if you go without it? You feel like you can't live.
Okay, starts to sound like opium...
In our mind, we all have our ideal cup of coffee. If you love kopi-O, normal coffee is too light for you; If you like smooth light coffee, espresso is a nightmare. But one day you walk pass a cafe and caught the smell of mocha... should be the aroma caught hold of you. Your senses tell you you are in love with it... so from then on, you purposely pass by that cafe just to catch the sweet smell of mocha... (free what)
Then you are in a dilemma. Do you want a very normal, ordinary kind of coffee, or you want a vigorously vibrant blend? The exciting one is sure to give you surprises (which has 2 sides to it) and usually has a price to pay. On the other hand, the ordinary one is, in a way, more easily available, doesn't give u any surprise, but promises to make you feel assured everyday.
I tried this once, too exciting, can't take it beyond one box.... (it really is nice, but...)