
Monday, November 14, 2005

danger... huh? what danger?

Imagine you are being taken hostage by a terrorist, the cold barrel of his gun pressing hard against your head. All you need is a trigger-happy freak to blow some brain cells out from your skull (provided you do have a brain, that is)
And what do you do? You continue crapping or munching an apple.... (or sipping coffee)
If I were the police, I'll rather kill the hostage then slowly settle with the terrorist.

Yes yes exam is coming!! So exciting!! Doesn't it add on to the thrill when you go into the exam hall unprepared? (sigh, maybe I'm just trying to be sarcastic to myself in a failed attempt to persuade myself to go study)

Maybe there is still that 0.00001 percent of readiness in me. (ho ho at least I know the venues and time) Have been helpping people with tutorials through forum and MSN. Mechanics, Physics, Mechanics, Mechanics..... err did I repeat Mechanics twice? Somehow I feel a little embarassed when people ask me about the solution, cos I've finished the tutorials around 1 week before the due date, sometimes more, so I sort of completely forget about the working steps. I could have redone the questions, but I was just too lazy. So ended up prompting them if they made any careless mistake or what. Concept I can discuss with them. But most of the time, people are more interested in the answer. Ain't we all guilty of that? No. Haha the thing I take a lot of pride in is answering queries in the IVLE forum. Since mostly they are asking about concept problem, so I am less lazy to answer them. Have pride lor, my explaination all have detailed diagram and graphs!!

Oh, last night a computer engineering graduate asked me how to insert audio clip in his blog. To think that he always talks about what Java and C++ which I know nuts about, the scenario really sounds funny. Afterall, the person manufacturing cars in the factory may not know how to drive.


  • wat's it abt the hostage and terrorist?

    u repeated mechanics thrice.. and i haf a feeling u will still do well in ur exams despite all this...

    dun crap and go study!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/14/2005 09:55:00 PM  

  • ermm it means when you are so close to death and you are still so indifferent to it....

    It means MEEEEE

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 11/14/2005 10:03:00 PM  

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