Last night I was still worrying that the walls will be booked cos of the SAFRA Adventure Hub open house. Today, we got free climbs.
Meder is at Korea, so that's me, Alex and Nicholl, plus Jason and Seong Per. My relation with Jason wasn't that good, but today was fine, guess someone matured huh? Then there's Bernard, KS and Angie. Angie's boyfriend hurt his leg and didn't go, so she tagged with our big group. Then Wee Li, his father, 10 yr old brother and girlfriend were also there, and Wee Li is flying off next week. teamNUS were there too, and even saw Sean and Jenny and family... bleh!
Cleared lane 6 (err..cocktail minus green), then lane 1 grey stuck halfway. Angie was belaying me when I did 1, and I was desperately screaming down to get her attention to lower me... bleh..
Then 8 of us signed up for the free canopy walk. I tell you this canopy walk is more meaningful than the treetop walk at MacRitchie, cos this one you really can touch the treetop. (in fact, they get in your way, blame it on NPark for not allowing SAFRA to cut the branches) We had to go in pairs, and SP and I were the last pair to go. Think both of us were too steady and it bored those who desperately tried to shake the cable...
And after that, we had free ice cream! And I went to the bouldering gym to fool around a bit (heel-hook on fluorescent light somemore)...
The open house is still on tomorrow~