killing the messenger

Had an unpleasant experience last night. So some 2 months ago I left a comment on a blog, a crappy reply aiming at noone in particular. Then last night, the blog owner told me someone is not happy with my comment on the blog. So I followed the link provided by the blog owner, and saw that someone has posted a reply there, some 2 months late, and he indirectly claimed to be exactly the person I described in my comment by telling me not to assume he's what I had described. Hello? I didn't mention names or whatsoever, so if I say something like "there are perverts on earth" and you insist "don't call me a pervert", what can I do?
And the blog owner, what for telling me someone is not happy with me? 2 months old entry, what is the probability of me reading it again? Close to zero unless you tell me someone has left a comment there saying he's not happy with me. Maybe it was out of good intention, but the blog owner's action brought more harm than good. It feels like person A tells person B that person C is ugly, then person B goes on to tell C that A said C is ugly. Then C did likewise... If B kept quiet, nothing's going to happen!
How to kill the messenger? Just uninstall Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger, and you've killed 2.
even in the three kingdoms era, this has always been the case. don't know which romance of the three kingdoms you've read, but i think it might be a pirated one. hehehe...
even in modern times, diplomats are exempt from war crimes.
xxoos, at 6/29/2006 01:07:00 AM
《第四十五回 三江口曹操折兵 群英会蒋干中计》
yawn. I read the original 文言文 version. C'mon it's literature, not history! I know I'm from engin...
chillycraps, at 6/29/2006 07:53:00 PM
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