tuesdays with morrie

This final class is on meaning of life, topics include the world, feeling sorry for yourself, regrets, death, family, emotions, aging, money, love, marriage, culture, forgiveness, and saying goodbye.
One paragraph I find quite meaningful (actually the whole book is meaningful):
If you don't respect the other person, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you don't know how to compromise, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you can't talk openly about what goes on between you, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. And if you don't have a common set of values in life, you're gonna have a lot of trouble.
Life is so troublesome.
Hey i read that book too:)
Anonymous, at 6/12/2006 12:38:00 AM
then I guess you must have read the other book, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"
chillycraps, at 6/12/2006 08:12:00 PM
I read both.
Personally I preferred "The 5 Pple You Meet In Heaven".
It was somewhat more truthful.
I don't mean to discredit Mitch, but I felt Tuesday with Morrie was an ideal situation.
Not every old man gets cared so well when they're dying.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 03:32:00 AM
hmm for Tuesday with Morrie, the central idea is "old man dying" or "dying old man's wisdom"?
well, it is true also that not all old men are as wise.. no?
chillycraps, at 6/13/2006 07:32:00 PM
Nope i did not read "The Five People...", flipped through it, don't think it's as good as "Tuesdays..."
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 08:59:00 PM
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