vandal's project

When I reached home, I looked out of the kitchen window and to my surprise, I saw policemen at the badminton court, seemed like taking names. If that was vandalism, that was the most well-organised and biggest scale one I've ever seen...
Maybe those guys just wanted a bit of ownership to the court, which is itself not a bad thing. Every evening there is a little sepak takraw league going on there. At least it is something healthy, minus the part about them smoking when they are on the bench waiting for their turns.
Did I just see one guy did a bicycle kick, landed on the wet paint and got his arm green?
wah it's a bad thing if the police is making things difficult for them. Hah time for you to write power letter to ur MP liao
Anonymous, at 6/30/2006 12:59:00 AM
Wow... but did they like re-paint properly, or was it some sort of haphazard graffiti?
I support that if they were somehow trying to take ownership by making things better (not vandalising), then perhaps they really shouldn't be punished. its like community service!
Of course, they might have asked for permission first....
Alex Wong, at 6/30/2006 08:40:00 AM
but the police didn't ask them to line up and place their hand on the shoulder of the guy in front, so maybe just verbal warning ba. Or some aunties eat finish liao can't shit, go and complain.
It is very obvious that they were putting in effort, but the finishing not that nice, maybe not enough paint.
Talking about my MP, a while ago the badminton court's colour faded off, then suddenly one day they repainted the court, and the next moment I saw the MP visiting the precinct... Efficient huh?
chillycraps, at 6/30/2006 08:05:00 PM
Haiz the RC's and CC's are like army, always wayang wayang. I don't really think they're apolitical, i wonder if a PAP mp is changed to an opposition mp,how many of them will still stay behind and support all the way.
Anonymous, at 7/01/2006 01:09:00 AM
well, I saw my RC's chairman wore a PAP polo-tee once, distributing flyers for the election. And CC are under PA, which is...ermm... you know....
chillycraps, at 7/01/2006 02:39:00 PM
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