drip, drop

Since I started working some 2 weeks ago, I have been having this not-here-not-there-syndrome. My cubicle is just beside that gigantic Daikin central air-conditioner, which basically sucks in whatever air particles there are in the office, including but not limiting to people farting, body odour, etc etc. To highlight how severe it is, I wear 3 layers on top and 2 layers below. -_-" Just the other day, I was talking to my boss halfway when some transparent liquid dripped off from my nose and landed on I think my boss's row of folders...
Coffee... my unwellness has taken away my urge for drinking coffee. Now I've no choice but to drink jasmine tea available at the pantry (it's either Nescafe, Lipton or Richshaw)In the process I'm involved in harming the Earth, using 1 styrofoam cup per day. My bad.
A while ago, I was troubled by some matter. I felt like a small coffee cup, filled to the brim already the coffee still keep flowing in. So, the nasty residue stays at the bottom of the cup while the coffee overflows, becomes useless when it reaches the floor. (unless ants and flies like coffee) I didn't change a new cup. I turned off the tap from the coffee machine, and slowly enjoy the remaining coffee in the cup.
My father likes to use mahjong to describe life. I use coffee.
why so cheem one... why got residue at the bottom? What is that residue? what didn't change a new cup but turn off the machine and enjoy the remaining coffee in the cup?
oh I always wondered why people use the phrase "my bad"... does it have any significance? does it mean anything? why "my bad"? why not "i'm bad"? "my bad" is not grammatically correct leh... why ah? haha, so many questions..
oh i know what is the 3 layers on top and 2 layers below... 3 = 1 singlet, 1 shirt, 1 jacket. Right? 2 = 1 underwear and 1 pants.
I also almost everyday wear 3 top, 2 below leh.. but then seeing that girls almost always wear 2 top, 2 bottom...
oh and you can always bring your own cup to avoid using e styrofoam.. my office pantry got glass one!
tstar, at 6/15/2006 11:02:00 PM
Haha,look after urself...or you'll become like me...鼻涕虫already...hah
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 03:35:00 AM
hmm.. eh.. serious meh?? everyone wear 3 layers on top meh?? thought only in australia.. cuz of the winter then we wear that.. I wear about 3-4 layers everyday.. 3 layers indicate ont t-shirt, one long sleeve t-shirt and then jumper or jacket.. 4 layers will indicate.. 1 underwear, 1 t-shirt, 1 long sleeve t-shirt and then jumper or jacket lor.. hahaha..
hmm.. running nose ah?? no remedy that I can think of.. hahaha.. sorry ah.. here.. it's blocked nose rather than running nose.. air so cold.. brrr.. 6 degrees here liaoz.. freakin cold last night..
and my bad is a slang.. not a grammatical thingy.. hahaa..
anyway chow.. bring your own cup to the office la.. then at least u can use.. hahaha..
DJ Niwde, at 6/16/2006 09:34:00 AM
tstar: don't ask why. Asking why will bring out more whys. Fresh brewed coffee almost always have residue.
hj: okie. Come to think of it you haven't stopped running/ruining your nose since sem 1.
dj: not everyone, just me and maybe the ladies...
chillycraps, at 6/16/2006 08:06:00 PM
and i tot guys are supposed to be able to better withstand the cold...
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 10:47:00 PM
HAha coz like i said,NUS is dirty...I don't have such problems when i have no school lor
Anonymous, at 6/17/2006 12:22:00 AM
tstar: that is not true. Some males have to wear layers even in the summer... in Chinese traditional point of view, everyone belongs to some element like fire, water, etc... something like that lor.
I can stand hot but not cold.
hj: did you mean your room at pgp is dirty?
chillycraps, at 6/17/2006 08:41:00 AM
sama sama, i can stand hot but not cold. hate it even more when after perspiring have to go into air-con room...
Anonymous, at 6/17/2006 10:11:00 AM
haha.. on the contrary.. i like cold.. but then again..too cold also no gd.. coolin is nice.. but not 6 degrees!! crazy man.. lucky im not in canberra.. minus sia!!
hmm.. earth.. wind.. fire.. sounds like captain planet.. hahaha..
in any case.. chow.. save up la.. then come syd during spring.. hahaha.. nice weather.. u can stay at my place..
DJ Niwde, at 6/17/2006 10:37:00 AM
dot dot... btw I saw u with PM in today's paper....
chillycraps, at 6/17/2006 03:37:00 PM
haha.. ya lor.. my sis told me also.. hehe.. he came over to visit UNSW..
DJ Niwde, at 6/17/2006 10:48:00 PM
Dude, take care la. Mebbe its just bad air or something. Try bringing in some air purifier if you have. haha.
Alex Wong, at 6/19/2006 09:40:00 AM
thx wongsan. you mean bringing in air purifier to a factory?
I think should be alright lah, once in a while I bury my nose into my cup of hot drink...
chillycraps, at 6/19/2006 09:03:00 PM
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