
Friday, March 31, 2006

nintendo themes, a cappella

I tell you this performance rocks!

How many of you played Nintendo game console before? Super Mario, Doctor Mario, Tetris, Zelda.....

argh can't take it! Hahaha!


Thursday, March 30, 2006

anti-boredom campaign

This is a video clip that Prof Farrell showed us during lecture today.
Notice the laugh from the old lady after she did her mischief. Kinda sick when you think deeper into it. Well, take it easy then.

perfect english

Didn't the government recently launch a speak good English campaign?

How about this news report from Iraq?

pumping tire

It's like pumping tire. If you pump too much, the tire will burst. If you want your tire to be in working condition, you need to pump it once in a while. If you don't maintain the pressure, the tire will just go flat.

I guess I'm a punctured tire. Hasn't been pumped for a long time, and now you want to pump it it just refuses to inflate.

A lot has to do with my choice of JC. Not saying my JC is a bad college, in fact a few of my JC classmates are now on dean's list. Just that... coming from a branded secondary school there was a great drop in pressure at junior college. I'm smart, but being smartass is useless anything after Sec 2, afterwhich it is all hard work that matters. Obviously the 15 minutes walk from home was the reason why I chose my JC. Had I choosen better-ranking JC I guess I would be good and kicking ass now.

To maintain is the hardest part. Well well, I wish I was a self-inflatable lifevest.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

shirt does matter

I realise something:
people who wear surfing/boarding t-shirt usually dunno how to surf/board;

people who wear climbing t-shirt usually know how to climb.

(people who wear soccer jersey usually know how to kick a ball.
Who doesn't know?)

Monday, March 27, 2006

ss terror

Wei Chuan was saying I look like History major and Engineering minor...

I can't believe it, just because of a Singapore Studies module which I have S/U, I sacrifice all my other 4 core modules! Now my tutorials are on average 3 weeks lagging (or in science/engineering term, out-of-phase). What the...

Now, my dear readers, from now till the end of exam I won't be blogging extra-regularly. (extraordinary = more than ordinary; extra-regularly = ?) Any inconvenience caused is much regretted (this is a lame one, if you regret then don't do it in the first place lah)


I think going by the rate I complain about buses, I might as well start Hock Lee Bus Riot version 2.0 ....

So on this Monday morning, on a crowded bus 151, every seat was occupied except one beside a woman. Do you know why it was empty? The woman put her wet umbrella there. As if to show all the standing passengers that her umbrella wetted the seat, she moved her umbrella to one side to show the water droplets on the seat. So thoughtful of her to warn people that it was wet.

Later I got myself a seat. There was this freak sitting behind me who pressed his knee against the back of my seat and kept shaking his leg. Hello? Didn't he know that when body A is in equilibrium with body B and body B in equilibirum with body C, then body A is in equilibrium with body C? Or the theory of conservation of energy and linear momentum? To put it simpler, he was shaking me!

The finale of the show was most spectacular. At Engineering bus stop a mainlander Chinese spat and his phlegm flew for 2-3 metres. Might of the People's Liberation Army artillery huh?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

defy 9.81 metre per second squared

It has been 4 years since I last been to Boulderactive.
In 2002 I was a competitor; in 2006 I'm an event official. -_-"

This year's Boulderactive bouldering competition was held at Atrium@Orchard, right between Plaza Singapura and Dhoby Ghaut MRT station. The choice of location did attract lots of attention from the public, who just stayed glued to the exciting actions on the walls.

I only helped out yesterday, which was the day for all the qualifying rounds. Being so close to the walls and the actions made my palms and feet sweat throughout the whole day and I thought I should have brought along my chalkbag. Saw a lot of powerful climbers competing, our very own teamNUS, Zaki, Spider, and many others whom I've met at SAFRA Yishun. And yes, the naughty kids from First Toa Payoh Sec. Off the wall I was quite delighted to see Meder, Weeli's father Uncle Gin, and Liren, joining in the excitement as spectators.

Dating back to one week ago, Jensen, Youjie and I already felt quite uneasy that we were the only non-team-non-committee members helping out in the event. In Jensen's words, 3 small cats. I felt slightly more uneasy yesterday. Originally Kevin put us as F1 team, but that seemed to require a lot of coordination between us and the team members. We looked totally out of place when we were inside the mat, trying to help but not knowing where to help. Well at least we weren't slacking. We did help elsewhere, the administrative part.

Throughout the day Youjie and I occasionally bitched about the year 1 committee members. They were simply slacking! To me, their very existence in the committee is purely for CCA points, as I hardly see them climbing in the gym. Their slacking also indicated a surplus of manpower, as expressed by Kesheng as well. Well well, why am I getting so worked up over the year 1 committee members? Cos we were busy like hell while they shaked leg! But Kevin the chairman was really appreciative of us! Nice guy as always, worthy of my belay! =P

Ok, enough of Boulderactive 2006, before I have to resort to chalking my palms at home...

Friday, March 24, 2006

quote of the day

nuclear physics,
unclear physics

Professor Frank Watt
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
National University of Singapore


Click here to view.

This just shows how dangerous it is to drive on highway.

sumo soccer vs shaolin soccer

You think Shaolin soccer rules? How about Sumo soccer...

Click here to view clip.

or you prefer Shaolin soccer?

Click here to view another clip.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

tiger beer, lion coffee

Do you know what is the best and cheapest coffee in NUS? It's the free Nescafe at the bazaars!

Today I finally decided to try the Nescafe at Arts canteen. I tell you Nescafe is totally different from ordinary coffee shop coffee. So I was holding it on the internal shuttle bus to Science fac, guess what, the lid leaks and it was like a fountain! You heard about oil leak, now there's coffee leak! Why can't Arts canteen coffee stall invest on better lids?

Yes it's definitely the lid. Other canteens use those hi-tech lids that you can drink directly from, while Arts fac still likes it old style huh? Coincidentally I bought a cup of coffee from Yusof Ishak House yesterday to Science fac as well. No leak!

My SS lecture is held at LT12 which is next to Coffee Club Express. Is it very cheapo of me to enjoy the smell of 'expensive' coffee from lecture-mates during lecture (without me buying the coffee)?

invisible zebra-crossing, invisible pedestrian, blind driver

Yihao and I were halfway crossing the zebra-crossing outside AS2 when a white Mercedes came speeding towards us. In annoyance I showed the car my (index) finger pointing down at the zebra-crossing markings and you know what happened? The Merz stopped right on the zebra crossing and an old man stuck his head out, muttered something like "must look before crossing the road"...

What the *beep*! It was like we could see it speeding towards us 50 metres away lor! What mean must look before crossing? Was his driving license issued when Singapore was known as Syonan-to? (Temasek is a bit exaggerating)

But Yihao was right, I wouldn't use my body to stop it. I'm not as brave as the student at Tiananmen Square.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

last day at s11

Yay! Today marks the last Physics lab for me! No need to go S11 anymore~!

No, the S11 here in NUS doesn't sell food, they sell.....ermm.... nothing. The staffs here wear lab coats instead of S-11 uniform with that funky FILA-style tennis hat.

Oh, in case you are wondering, University Hall opposite S11 is the only hall that doesn't need CCA points, and there is a nice Spinelli there too.

Lab manuals anyone?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

pc illiterate

Now I know there are some jobs that I really can't do...

PC illiterate? Then how on earth did I find the job from the internet?
(found in JobStreet.com)

human wall

I tell you when it comes to defending a free kick, no one does it better than any Singaporean on the road. Singaporeans seem to be experts in forming human walls at the most unthinkable places, ranging from narrow corridors to any footpath along the road.

Don't talk about human traffic (such as me in a rush), even David Beckham's balls also can't shoot pass the wall.

Maybe "single file" isn't in their dictionary, or are they training for World Cup?

Monday, March 20, 2006

campus concert

Introducing the latest performance in campus concert series.....
with Dr Victor Tan from the Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore.
Tickets not available from SISTIC.

Trust me we heard the music came from the violin and not the computer speaker.
(by the way, Dr Tan was the one who help a student chase a girl using lecture powerpoint slide)

quote of the day

...you know how to solve N-1 lah mah...

If you dunno then you trust me lah!

--- Dr Ken Sung
Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore


I was discussing physics with Hong Jun in school when my phone vibrated. Unrecognised number. So I just picked up and I heard a very energetic female voice.

gal: "Hello Mr Chow!! This is Jaslyn here! Are you busy right now?"
boy: "erm not really, what is it about?" (I was bored apparently)
gal: "(blah blah blah about some benefits card)"
boy: "I'm not interested in it"
gal: "Why? It gives you discount when you go outside and eat"
boy: "I don't go outside and eat"
gal: "Then where do you eat?"
boy: "Canteen" (crappy huh)
gal: "Canteen? What canteen?"
boy: "School canteen"
gal: "Oh, so where are you studying?"
boy: "Can't tell you"
gal: "Why cannot tell me?"
boy: "cos it is national security" (more crappy. should have included total defence)
boy: "So where did you get my number from?" (here comes the counter-attack)
gal: "One of your guy friends gave it to me"
boy: "Guy friend? But all my friends are girls!" (ahem)
gal: "Then can we be friends or not?" (huh? can like that?)
boy: "No"
gal: "If you are not interested in making sex with me then nevermind" (*line cut*)

Hong Jun was looking at me with eyes wide open. If he had heard what the girl said, think his eyes would drop out.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

shit ideas

Meder sent me this page by gapingvoid, find it quite interesting. It has 30 tips on how to be creative and futher explains it in detail. A lot of the points there make sense.

Read it only when you have the time... (ie, it is very loooong)

not happy complain

There is this neighbour living 2 storeys above my unit who likes to drip water from his wet laundry and mop. So today my brother couldn't take it and went up to screw him. This is what happened: (according to my brother)

My brother knocked on the door and an old fatty in his 60s answered.
brother: your laundry is dripping water
fatty: I dunno
brother: you hang the clothes, what you mean you dunno? You dunno then now I tell you lor
fatty: I dripped them dry in the toilet already before I hang them outside
brother: now I'm telling you they are dripping
(...talk talk talk...)
fatty: not happy complain lah!
brother: I talk to you nicely you tell me to complain, ok lor I call police come now. (at this moment fatty's next door neighbour looked on)
Fatty panicked and quickly apologised to my brother...

Don't understand why the baddies always feel so righteous.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

crane lost its way

I was waiting for bus at Bukit Timah Road when a crane truck pulled over at the bus stop. The driver jumped out from his seat, walked towards the shelter, and approached me for direction -_-"

The instruction he had on a piece of paper was quite vague: Adam Road turn left, first traffic light turn right, 11 storey building, "Guan Ho".

According to the driver that's the name of a school, but I've never heard of it before, although I spent 4 years in a school in the area.

You know, ahem, not all landmarks are marked in the streets directory.

a piss of my mind

I can't understand:

A pisses B off
B feels pissed by A
A finds out that B feels pissed by A
A feels pissed by B cos B feels pissed by A

illogical but happens all the time, at least to me. I'm always the B.

(I mean if in the first place A didn't piss B off, then he/she doesn't have to feel pissed that B feels pissed by him/her)

Friday, March 17, 2006

blog down

If you saw this while trying to enter this blog:

it is because of this:

What could I do...?

small is really small

Went to Spinelli at University Hall with Stephanie yesterday, think she has been eyeing on the cheese cake for a long time. That was my first time walking into University Hall building and the cafe was really cosy, a sharp contrast to the rush behind the glass panels.

Steph ordered a piece of "Classic Philly Cheesecake" while I ordered a small cup of hot chocolate. The staff who served us said that "small is really small", and he showed us the biggest paper cup and smallest paper cup for comparison, desperately trying to convince me to pay extra. I stood firm, and politely with a smile I confirmed my preference.

Later Steph said the staff was like looking down on me, but actually if we look at it from the positve side, he could be concerned that I didn't know how small is small, and ended up ordering the wrong choice. Still pretty weird that they have drinks in 3 sizes and still feel shocked at customer choosing the smallest one.

It proved to be a wise choice to have ordered the small serving, since it was just nice to go with the super cheesy cheesecake. It wasn't that small afterall. And the art on the top of the hot choc was simply fantastic! That's the first real coffee art I've seen in my life!

Right mood, right food, right place.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

hot choc, cool look

hot choc: Look at me, I look so nice!

human: (*slurp slurp*) hmm~ nice!

(photo by tstar. Thx!)

quote of the day

i need rocket fuel. not car petrol.
--- Yihao

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

great days

Did they say "Great days begin with NESCAFÉ®"?

I haven't even have a good day for a long time.

every bus has its day

I couldn't help feeling sadistic when I saw a bus broken down at Engin Fac bus stop.

(can't understand why when buses break down they always manage to crawl to a bus stop)

I can't help hating buses nowadays, when actually I used to love buses.

When four bus 74 pass by and not even one 151, you really feel like showing your middle finger to the innocent bus 74 driver.
Then after waiting for 30 minutes the two 151 come together, and the empty one refuses to stop, you really want to slap the driver with your ezlink card. (2 beeps if you are using concession)

It works this way: the service number that you are waiting for will really make you wait, whereas those you ain't taking will arrive as if every other second. So you have to bluff yourself by saying "no I'm not taking 151, I'm waiting for ______ (fill in any bus service number except 151)" then you won't feel like you wait so long for 151.

Erm, if you happen to bluff yourself so perfectly, you may end up not boarding the 151 when it comes.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the lizard that strays away

The climb wasn't that nice.

Went to ClimbAsia after school and bouldered with Meder, Nicholl and Ying Huei. I decided to go climb today cos I have been looking at schoolwork for too long and I wanted to meet up with my friends.

I just needed a place to vent my frustration.
It ended up bringing me more frustration.

I haven't been climbing for TOO long, so there wasn't any form so as to speak of. My mind wasn't on climbing at all, it was on schoolwork. Tell me how to enjoy the climb?

Their expectation was different too. I intended to just play for a while and then go home, but they treated it as a training. I really didn't like a bit of it when Nicholl kept telling me to climb harder. Her way of encouragement was in the form of condemning you.

Alex wasn't there. I remember the other time Alex felt quite bad when I told him that I felt like he was forcing me to climb harder.

A lot of the times I'm scared of going out in a group, cos in a group you can't act on your own. What you do will have an impact on the whole group. It is like, I really wanted to leave early just now, cos they had no intention of leaving, but that would have spoilt their mood. I was like a kid protesting to go home... (the thought of a 8am lecture the next day wasn't welcoming)

Now I'm a little scared of climbing with them... again.

i'm tired

I'm tired
physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.

How I wish I can sleep forever now
turning into the soil that plants grow on
water that flows in oceans and rivers and streams
and air that fills every cubic metre of our atmosphere.

Monday, March 13, 2006

million dollar deal

Did I see this advertisement at the 151 bus stop along Bukit Timah Road?
By the way bus 151 goes to NUS.

finished watching wataru 2

Just finished watching the 45 episodes long cartoon Wataru 2 and the 3 episodes OVA. This is a little bit of continuation of the first Wataru, but after a while it gets a little boring. The OVA is super badly-done, basically the storyline is shallow and the robots didn't appear in the OVA.

Sometimes I wonder, watching cartoon hastily spoils the mood for it, but the craving just doesn't stop you from watching a few episodes at one go.

Just caught a glimpse of Wataru 3 and it seems simply stupid... eek! (got a feeling I will still watch it till the last episode)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

cabby insist a blowjob

Today I was on a taxi, seated at the front. The air-con was blowing full blast directly at my face and it was quite uncomfortable (no it wasn't a Comfort taxi), so I adjusted the dial to turn it down. A few seconds later the taxi driver reached over and turned the valve back on... -_-"

I didn't know what was on his mind, but had I decided to turn it down again guess either he would say something, or he would just turn it back on again, thus starting a recurring process. In Maths term, infinite series.

So for the whole journey the cold air was blowing at my face. Do taxi drivers have fetish for wind blowing on passenger's face?

I should have tampered with the taxi meter...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

toilet surveillance

I just don't understand, why do ah peks at the urinals like to traverse their heads left to right with angle of negative 45 degress from the horizontal x axis? Somemore it is like rotating at a constant angular frequency.

Just like those 360 degrees surveillance camera.

Please, I don't want to imagine those gross things, as if he is watching for Godzilla surfacing from my urinal... or Loch Ness Monster?

sepoy got on his nerve

For 10 years I thought Yihao is very mild-mannered, so during SS tutorial I was quite surprised to hear him mumbling vulgarities.

Actually I don't blame him. Our project sub-group, which is of 12 ppl, is doing a performance on the court martial of the sepoys during the sepoy mutiny. The allocation of the roles was quite simply, first come first serve. Let's be honest, I'm a slacker and won't mind having a slack role, but dear Yihao volunteered me to become defense attorney. (*vomit blood*)

So left with a couple with no choice but to act as sepoys, cos all the while they took a backseat. The guy started complaining, asked if the roles easy or not, said if no one chose the roles means the roles very difficult to act. C'mon, not like someone banned them from choosing early, and what on earth justifies that they cannot take up difficult roles while others can? Yihao started muttering names of body parts...

Please, the role of sepoy is the easiest. All you need to say is "I don't know English"

Thursday, March 09, 2006

the 打包 that never was

Went to engin canteen to have lunch at 1pm.
Ordered lemon chicken rice.
Uncle gave me lemon chicken rice.
in a microwave box...
and charge me extra 10 cents...
I was too shocked to say a thing.
Obediently went back to my table with the box.
Obediently ate my lemon chicken rice from the box.
Obediently looked like an idiot eating in the canteen from the box.
And obediently returned the box to the utensils return point.

So, do they assume that you want it take-away if you don't voice out? For a moment I thought it was 1pm and the stall ran out of plates... (still, illogical to charge extra 10 cents if they are the ones who ran out of plates)

Now I feel like microwaving that uncle.

i am canadian (not me, him)

Dr Farrell showed us this clip at the start of today's lecture. Quite an interesting video clip on Canadian nationality. Can't blame them for being patriotic.

Watch it HERE

I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader...
and I don't live in an igloo
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled...
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President.
I speak english and french, NOT american.
and I pronounce it 'ABOUT', NOT 'A BOOT'.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing.
DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation,

Read that this guy in the clip works in Texas... -_-"

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


A lot of the times when I'm on the bus and it's stuck in a jam, the scene outside is a bit annoying: 90% of the cars have like 1 out of 5 seats occupied, some 1 out of 7, and the occasional mammoth excursion bus with only the driver and zero passenger inside. Don't believe? Look at the picture to the left, the car only has one head inside while the bus is packed. (I didn't photoshop away any head)

If we use superposition theorem, with the road space occupied by one car with 1 person inside, we can easily have luxuriously 4 rows of 4 =16 people on part of a bus taking up the same road area. And, if it is a double decker, 16 x 2 = 32. Then plus some fella standing, 32 + 8 = 40. Isn't it wonderful how many people can be transported taking up the same road space as a car with ONE person? Don't believe? Look at the picture again, see how many green heads and how many red head? Then we integrate it with respect to the bus's length and blah blah blah...

I just find it lame that people buy cars with 5 seats when most of the time they only use that one seat with the steering wheel.

P/S. It is not only traffic congestion, but also environment. A double-decker bus uses one engine to ferry 120+ passenger (a double decker Olympian is licensed to carry 131); a car uses one engine to ferry 1 person. Imagine 120 people driving 120 cars, lotsa fossil fuel is wasted and lotsa engine exhaust...

go go variable

On Monday when I stepped into LT7A, we heard a heavy Hong Kong accent from the sound system. (anything not Singlish is accented. C'mon this is Singapore) Without hestitating and in complete unison Hong Jun and I did the "Be a man, do the right thing"

That's our new computing lecturer Dr Ken Sung, should be a Hongkonger. He's the first lecturer I've seen in NUS who extensively uses the lah, eh... interesting.

He was explaining global variable to us, "Wah! Go go variable wor!" (ermm... his "global" sounds like "go go") Then someone behind me started that all-time favourite Counter Strike phrase "Go Go Go!!", another guy imitated him "Wah, go go variable wor, very dangerous ah." When he used the word "function", someone behind asked his friends "what is 分神?", then his friend replied "it's a new kind of god" =_="

Were we very mean? Well they judge our performance in exams, we judge theirs in lectures~ They can mark us down, and we can mark them down.
Ahem, but there is a reason why Student Feedback is before the exam period...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

press release

In a very soft voice: YES! This blog is featured in today's Straits Times Digital Life!! (a little proud of myself now.. bleh..)

Ok back to tutorials. Sigh...


I don't know the title of the song, but it appears in the drama Rescue Wings, and it is very nice!!. Will touch more on the drama when the whole series finally end.

click here for the song.
(Try not to stream cos Geocities has that hourly limit thingie, and if it doesn't load, try again later.)

It is a Japanese songs, and the lyrics is quite encouraging:

Anyone knows the title?

Monday, March 06, 2006

or otherwise

A few days ago I saw this group of kids playing soccer at the badminton court near my place, with that sign that doesn't say no soccer but well, it tries to mean that. (could have been a big marble, who knows)

I pan my head 90 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction and saw 2 cars parked on the path that says "NO PARKING".

Today, I was crossing a T-junction when a car whizzed past in front of me. I looked down and saw the word "STOP" painted on the tar. Obviously I did stop, but the word wasn't meant for me... unless I twisted my head 90 degrees.

So next time, when you see no-smoking sign, smoke to your pleasure; when you see no-fishing sign, bring a fishing net; when you take public transport, bring a hamburger and one large size coke (that's what is shown in the sign anyway, other food N/A)

So who says otherwise is unwise? Everyone is doing otherwise...

borrowing station revisited

Just now I was at Ang Mo Kio Community Library borrowing some really thick books. At the borrowing stations there was this boy in school uniform trying very hard to have the machine read his student card.

Without a word I reached over, flipped his card, stuck it back into the slot, and woala~ He was speechless, must be shocked to see this kor kor coming to the rescue.

Reminds me of the other time at Cheng San Community Library when a little girl did the same to me. I must have felt the same way as the boy did today.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, a suspect is "a person apprehended for but not yet charged with an offense". In Singapore law, a person is innocent until proven guilty, whereas in China, a person is guilty until proven innocent..

Then why is everyone condemning the suspect, cursing and swearing and scolding.... He is just a suspect, not YET guilty, technically speaking.

Oh yah, when he is behind bars or hanged, no more chance to scold liao... sounds like paying the upfront. And what if he is found not guilty? Can refund all the scoldings and cursings?

Don't like any bit of it, and the media didn't make it any better.

Friday, March 03, 2006

more vegetable ≠ healthier

Dr Bae brought up something very interesting during EE tutorial today.

He said that eating more vegetable can be harmful to our body. Sounds unbelievable right? And we all thought he was crapping. He told us that sodium from salt and potassium from vegetable create bioelectricity in our body. When the balance is disturbed, then there will be shock in our organs, and we will DIE!

Well I opt to believe in the bioelectric major.
Although his 65 minutes tutorial ate into our time.

united we stand, together we fall

Dr Farrell threw us a very big spanner yesterday. (must be because Canada didn't make it to the final of Winter Olympics Men's Hockey) For our final assignment the 26 of us are supposed to work together to tackle one question on the Indian Mutiny of 1915. In his words, this is controlled chaos! (reminds me of the climbing term organized mess)

He literally left us to the chaos by leaving us on our own 30 minutes into the tutorial lesson. There are lots of brains in our class, which means lots of ideas. Some suggested mock trial, some suggested blog, some suggested reenactment(which includes the execution of the mutineers. Everyone is keen to shoot Dr Farrell)... glad to say someone took the plunge and went upfront, taking charge of everything. So the end result is, we will be dumping everything into the indian pot for a really massive project.

On the way home Yihao raised something about involvment. If this is a 26 ppl effort, then do all 26 of us get the same grade? He was telling me some tutorial mates had that sian look on their faces... Don't worry, there are always S/U freaks like me around. =)

illogic gate

My PC1432 lecture was at 2pm. It had no webcast. I skipped it.

My MA1506 lecture was at 8am. It had webcast. I attended it.

When I saw my EG1108 lecturer stepped into the lecture theatre, I walked out.

There were logics behind the illogical actions. Maybe illogical reasons.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

love in a paper cup

First it's Spinneli
Then it's Coffee Club Xpress
Then it's McDonald's
Then it's MOS Burger

It's not love, it's a paper cup.
The cup is no longer in my hands, but the memories are in my heart.

quote of the day

The sleep of a laboring man is sweet
--- Ecclesiastes 5:12

... but when you have to wake up early the next morning, you start cursing.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

magnetic field

Did someone say right hand grip rule is peanuts? It is not, left hand grip rule is.
And the chapters on Electricity and Magnetism is killing me...

(no title)

I chose a page nice and clean,
I dipped my pen in the ink,
I cracked my brain, but nothing came,
So in the end I signed my name.

This is a computer generated document.
No signature is required.

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