
Monday, March 27, 2006


I think going by the rate I complain about buses, I might as well start Hock Lee Bus Riot version 2.0 ....

So on this Monday morning, on a crowded bus 151, every seat was occupied except one beside a woman. Do you know why it was empty? The woman put her wet umbrella there. As if to show all the standing passengers that her umbrella wetted the seat, she moved her umbrella to one side to show the water droplets on the seat. So thoughtful of her to warn people that it was wet.

Later I got myself a seat. There was this freak sitting behind me who pressed his knee against the back of my seat and kept shaking his leg. Hello? Didn't he know that when body A is in equilibrium with body B and body B in equilibirum with body C, then body A is in equilibrium with body C? Or the theory of conservation of energy and linear momentum? To put it simpler, he was shaking me!

The finale of the show was most spectacular. At Engineering bus stop a mainlander Chinese spat and his phlegm flew for 2-3 metres. Might of the People's Liberation Army artillery huh?


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