
Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Freak, I was woken up by a nightmare at 2am. I tried to go back to sleep but to no avail, so rather than continue rolling on the bed, I decided to come here.

This version of nightmare has been sort of recurring for the past few... months? (as we grow older the kind of nightmares we have changes.. maybe we can gauge growth by looking at whether our nightmare is different from the previous one) Maybe my reaction in the dream is different each time, but the scenario is more or less the same. It is like alway I'm being targetted by some professional assasins or some sort, then I would fight them like in action movies, and then be caught by them while seeing the one I'm protecting go to safety.... my mind tells me to say I was protecting a little girl, but I know it wasn't..... But I remember I said a Cantonese vulgarity in the dream... for once only.

Now looking at the screen my eyes feel tired... let's see if I can go back to sleep.


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