odac gathering

I had dinner at home then took a stroll to AJC. Same old Ang Mo Kio Ave 6, I had been taking the very same route, same cement path, for everyday of my 2 years in Junior College. Same path, same destination, same body, different mood. Maybe even different person.
So they had a barbecue at the parade square. Hmm, quite a few batches(think 5), my batch had 6 including myself, namely Yunci, Feng Jia, Grace, Zhenyi and Geok Wei. My juniors the 19th Comm were nowhere to be found(males are in NS). My reason for not wanting to be there was so valid. I still can't mix well with my batch. Feng Jia is still the basket in my opinion. Kept crapping and so full of himself. But the girls seemed amused and highly entertained by him. Good for them(and him).
Dunno why the 5 of them decided to leave to have dinner. So weird, there the juniors were cooking barbecue and then they wanted to go out and hunt for food. I opted to stay behind and had a very long and nice chat with Mr Gerard Chow. So we talked about a lot of stuffs, outdoor, teaching, univeristy... for 3 solid hours, one to one chat! He was telling me his trip to LA, his wages as an "illegal" waitress was more than his pay as a Physics teacher in AJC!
Mr Arthur Lim was telling his son to call Mr Gerard "uncle", then Mr Gerard said is "kor kor", not "uncle". Think Mr Gerard can see my lack of interaction with my batch, and he said to me, "You must talk more to young people. You talk to old people like me then I will become younger and you will become older." "oh equilibrium in closed system right?" Anyway Mr Gerard Chow is 30 years old.
Chatted a bit with Mr Lim Kok Wee. Oh he is quite similar to me also, also graduated from The Chinese High and Anderson Junior College. So cool, his daughter is 2 years old and it's my first time seeing her. Looks more like Mrs Lim. Anyway Mr Lim said one thing that kind of stirred my feelings. "I'm glad you didn't sign on." I was a bit shaking when I heard that, cos... it is still something that hurts. So I told him after university I may still think of that path. He who flees will fight again. Persistent is a bad thing.
So, afterall it wasn't totally bad last night.
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