
Friday, December 09, 2005

from coal to clean

Yup here I am helpping to campaign for WWF. You will be surprised how much everyone of us can do to save our planet. Simple things like a click on the mouse can mean a lot.

A selfish person like me don't believe much in donating money(I myself don't have much to spare in the first place). So what I do is contribute in other ways, such as writing petition to head of states. Yes, presidents and prime ministers and chancellors and premiers... Some goverments really do reply to you, thanking you for your concern and promise to look into the problem. Isn't it nice to know your clicks pay off? (although you won't know what is happening behind the curtain) Some of the time the goverment just need some encouragement from us global citizens.

Anyway, ironcially this energy reform is one that I didn't take on. Why? Well... think of it, rich countries have been using coal and all that when they weren't that rich, now they are telling others not to use coal, logical? Nope unless they promise to pump in money to help the poorer countries. If they can build a light water reactor for N Korea, why not elsewhere?


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