sandwich theorem
Well it can't save me much money, so that reason is out. In fact sandwiches can be expensive, with Science canteen topping the rank selling branded Four Leaves sandwiches, followed closely by Engin canteen selling @$1 and the most economical of all is from Arts canteen @70cents. 'Cos Arts faculty teaches Economics. -_-"
Scientists at Georgia State University advise active people to eat frequently (about every three hours) to accelerate metabolism and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. In another article, published in British Medical Journal, says that six or more meals/snacks each day have beneficial total and LDL-cholesterol lowering benefits when compared to those that consumed two or fewer meals each day.
Lazy to find seats, lazy to queue up for food, lazy to find people to have lunch with... sandwiches seem to be my lazy solution. Why not?
(by the way there was once I bought 4 sandwiches from Engin canteen, then I walked to Science faculty for lesson. I ate 2 while walking, then when I reached Science fac I was still hungry, so I finished the remaining 2, and still felt hungry. This diet doesn't work everyday)
6 small meals? sounds like a dieting plan. "accelerate metabolism" - sounds even more like a dieting plan to me now.
you don't need to be on a diet, please eat FULL MEALS. then maybe you can consider adding in another 2 small meals.. =P
And sandwiches aren't filling at all. I think arts sandwiches quite ex liao lor, the filling so little can! ok, maybe i'm greedy...
tstar, at 2/02/2006 08:46:00 PM
eh.. sounds like u have a heavy meal plan man.. hahaha..
try this.. in between meals right.. as in full meals hor.. eat vegetables.. tat are raw.. and edible.. (most of which are.. hahaha..)
my fav is celery.. cucumbers and tomatoes.. should be able to keep u at least a little full to keep u moving.. and if you want.. grab an apple.. (though it makes me more hungry..) or you can try strawberries.. tat's wad i always snack in australia.. come here.. no fruits can snack.. too big liaoz..
if not.. eat biscuits lor.. it will keep u moving for at least a couple of hours..
DJ Niwde, at 2/02/2006 10:19:00 PM
yup, arts canteen sandwiches have less fillings than those in engin.. If ham means only ham (and bread) but no veggie at all... well they come will wrappings...
ermm... that's quite funny, I thought all vegetables are edible? (if not they are just called plants)
Actually it is Alex who needs such dieting plan, I just want to try out for the low cholesterol thingie. My metabolism rate is already super high... dun need to accelerate it any further.
chillycraps, at 2/02/2006 10:26:00 PM
what for try the low cholesterol? you have high cholesterol mehz?
please scold me whenever the freq b/n 2 comments is too short... kaoz, really seriously addicted to internet. like drug addiction like that... dammit...
tstar, at 2/03/2006 12:00:00 AM
hahaha.. cholesterol?? hmm.. eat vegetables lor.. just had my share of salad.. nice.. hahaha..
Alex eat vegetables too right?? hahaha.. eh.. maybe we should all go eat prata together.. then i can eat a lot again.. hahaha.. want??
dun mind me commenting ah.. i also have internet addiction.. but well.. when study.. off it.. on it only when u're feelin damn bored with studyin.. hahaha.. or if not.. plug it out completely.. hahaha..
DJ Niwde, at 2/03/2006 12:21:00 AM
tstar: no lah, you haven't seen my blog looking like an irc chat window before... comments are good motivation. Well it doesn't mean that I don't have high cholestrol then must stock up on it right? I
m healthy (I think)
dj niwde: addiction.. hmm think you are right. If the brain reaches saturation point, no point forcing yourself to swallow. Might as well take a break.
chillycraps, at 2/03/2006 08:42:00 AM
what... look at my pic ---->
Do I look like I need dieting??? muahahahaha!!
Anyway, the diet is supposed to give one sustained energy instead of the cyclic ups and downs of usual 3 full meals that people have.
Alex Wong, at 2/03/2006 09:30:00 AM
hey alex, nice photoshop skill!
Well, if a fat guy doesn't need dieting, do I even need to ever think of having one myself??
Oh yah, look at my pic, so chubby (o^-^o)
chillycraps, at 2/03/2006 01:22:00 PM
if can control and don't use com when studying, then it isn't internet addiction le what... For me is must have contact with com, every lil while must go online, no access will get panicky.. yes, bad.
what's bad about the 3 full meals... why must have sustained energy... but when eat le, blood rush to stomach, then won't a person feel sleepy constantly...
tstar, at 2/04/2006 02:22:00 AM
bui bui!! hahaha.. so cute.. chubby chubby.. hahahahahaha.. oh anyway.. now wherever i go.. i bring my laptop.. see where got wireless to use.. hahahaha..
but talkin bout diet.. no need diet la.. just eat.. then after tat.. exercise lor.. hehehe.. just exercise more can liaoz.. right?? hahaha..
DJ Niwde, at 2/05/2006 06:05:00 PM
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