experimental error
One experiment was enough to spoil my honeymoon week 2.
The experiment was on Flow and Energy Loss, in which we got to play around with sophisticated unclear reactors. The procedure itself was very straight forward, the main course was actually the questions that followed. First you had to fill up 3 data tables, over 200 boxes to fill in total. Next you had to plot 13 graphs. And as if that's not enough, they gave you 4 discussion questions, in which you have to research on the internet to find the answers. All within 24 hours.
The most ridiculous thing is, we haven't learned all those stuffs. I flipped my notes, and found this part at the very end of my notes. Wow. So what is the purpose of having lab sessions when we are doing everything more-or-less-blindly? At least at secondary and college level the experiments were quite closely linked to the pace of the lessons, but from year 1 onwards things are quite crappy. You can be doing the experiment for stuff that they are going to teach half a semester later. (I can understand the logistic part, cos they don't need to prepare so many set-ups all at one time, and idling them the rest of the time, but still...)
Many more weekly experiments to come...

The most ridiculous thing is, we haven't learned all those stuffs. I flipped my notes, and found this part at the very end of my notes. Wow. So what is the purpose of having lab sessions when we are doing everything more-or-less-blindly? At least at secondary and college level the experiments were quite closely linked to the pace of the lessons, but from year 1 onwards things are quite crappy. You can be doing the experiment for stuff that they are going to teach half a semester later. (I can understand the logistic part, cos they don't need to prepare so many set-ups all at one time, and idling them the rest of the time, but still...)
Many more weekly experiments to come...
Hey hey, post this in the forum!!
Anonymous, at 8/25/2006 12:09:00 AM
don't want lah, wait kena aimed....
and well, my blog is my forum.
chillycraps, at 8/25/2006 06:25:00 AM
haha... I just had my c6 experiment too...
It sucks, half the time I keep on asking my lab partner stupid qns, becos I have no idea what that indian guy is talking about...
But luckily my lab is on friday!!!
So can pass up on mondae...
averii, at 8/26/2006 10:02:00 PM
haha good for you~!
I had to rush it during lecture break somemore... took 23 hours to do the log report =P
chillycraps, at 8/26/2006 10:36:00 PM
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