playing ps
you can't be a peasant in SingaporePS: Play Station, Plaza Singapura, Political Science
Dr Sridharan
If my ME lectures are saturated with male hormones, then my GEK1003 Introduction to Political Science lecture is the direct opposite. Somemore most of the students are year 1. How to tell? Somehow the year 1s like to proudly display their freshman folder. And the year 1 girl beside me seemed shocked to see me copying down notes.
And we had a welcome tea session somemore!
haha.i don't recall many people carrying the inauguration file last year.=S Oh and I still have not seen you,maybe coz I dun really know how you look like,wahahha.
snoookems, at 8/17/2006 07:38:00 PM
you mean last year there was an inauguration file? I thought we only had the cups, which, we won't possibly bring to school.
Actually a lot of your friends know who I am.
chillycraps, at 8/17/2006 08:34:00 PM
Got inauguration meh?
tstar, at 8/17/2006 09:10:00 PM
yes there was, but there wasn't a proper announcement for it. I was actually at the entrance of UCC, but noone I know was there, so I ended up didn't attend the inauguration. Kind of regretted it cos it's another once in a life time....
chillycraps, at 8/17/2006 09:48:00 PM
Damn. I should have went, but I was too busy sleeping at home.
tstar, at 8/17/2006 09:51:00 PM
Yea if you went into UCC to watch it, there were free files on the seats with free notepads and free highlighters.=)
snoookems, at 8/17/2006 10:43:00 PM
Should I go attend next AY's inauguration then?
tstar, at 8/17/2006 10:49:00 PM
I thought of crashing this AY's inauguration, then scare they check matric card....
chillycraps, at 8/18/2006 06:24:00 AM
intro to ps is a very easy module, but a bit dry. good luck~
bah~ i feel so old just thinking about the time when i did my ps mod as a freshie. btw, what's an inauguaration file?
xxoos, at 8/18/2006 09:22:00 AM
hi xxoos
I don't mind the dryness, seeing arts girls make my lips wet. =P (just kidding)
to put it simpler, an inauguration file is that black file that almost every year 1 of AY06/07 carries around.
chillycraps, at 8/18/2006 11:10:00 AM
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