
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

the combustion that never was

They say it is old flame.
I say it wasn't even alight.
They say the wick was there.
I say there was even a whole bunch of explosives.
The spark didn't find its way to the bomb.
It ended up lighting a huge candle.
A candle with enough materials to burn.
Enough to satisfy the flame materialistically.
Enough to last.... forever?
The bomb remains inert.
Without the spark, what good can a bomb do?
It is as good as being a dummy bomb.
Maybe the bomb will give fireworks of joy.
Maybe the bomb will hurt people.
But now, it is just a dummy bomb.


  • goodness, u blogged at 6.45AM! u muz be really bored.. or u clubbed the whole night... isn't it a bit ironic, a flame that wasn't even alight, then 5th line u say the spark didn't find its way to the bomb? anyway wat's it suppose to mean?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/01/2005 01:07:00 PM  

  • I was awake it 5.30am this morning, so might as well do something than to rot on the bed. Anyway I don't go clubbing.

    The flame didn't light up, so it means it wasn't there.
    The bomb = the bunch of explosives and flammable stuffs. (line 4)
    What is a bomb supposed to do? To explode vigourously right?
    The "old flame" part is a tell-tale sign what this is about... although the flame wasn't there in the first place.

    O~D: isn't this blog about craps?

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 11/01/2005 05:38:00 PM  

  • oh... then what about the candle?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/01/2005 09:08:00 PM  

  • the candle is the thing that the flame end up staying together with...

    email me if u still don't get it, or it u want to know the whole story.

    By Blogger chillycraps, at 11/02/2005 06:22:00 AM  

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