全世界 stand-by

I opened the door for them.
With regards to the dangling bamboo pole, fearing that it may drop and hit someone below, I called up my Neighbourhood Police Post's hotline and informed them about the sighting.
20 minutes later 2 sergeants arrived at the scene. (the Police Post is just 3 minutes' walk from my place -_-". Oh there's a 7-Eleven and prata shop near by. *hint hint* And they have the habit of using the patrol car even if it's one block away)
With the help of civilian resources (ie my house's bamboo stick, and myself) the combined task force was able to retrieve the dangling bamboo stick + underwear, while the bedsheet was left dangling on 7th floor. Ok lah, the sergeant isn't as tall, so I was the one who leaned out to pull the bamboo stick in. The police brought back the 01 x bamboo stick + 02 x underwear as evidence for investigation.
If you were the owner of those items, would you look for the police to claim them back / report loss?
hmm...prata shop? where where? =P my place also got police post wor..duno izzit the same as the one u mentioned..MUAHAHahah
Christine, at 8/05/2006 10:58:00 PM
*hear eerie sound*
scarlette ain't u in malaysia?!?!
chillycraps, at 8/05/2006 11:51:00 PM
er...ya hor, now's the 7th month.. Brrr...cold..
I'm FROM Malaysia, doens't mean I'm IN Malaysia la. *faint*.
Christine, at 8/06/2006 04:46:00 PM
oh okay~
that's even more scary, got this feeling you live nearby...
chillycraps, at 8/06/2006 09:12:00 PM
*evil laugh* XD
Christine, at 8/07/2006 09:56:00 PM
now walk out of my door must cover face liao...
chillycraps, at 8/07/2006 11:26:00 PM
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