IM -- instant mute

Don't really see the point of purely staring at the chat window for a few hours and doing nothing else except breathing and typing away, when I can do other stuffs with my computer such as reading forums, reviews, etc. Of course some people enjoy every nanoseconds on the webcam.
And, not forgeting the stifling effect of instant messengers on communication. By right it should ease inter-personal communication, but technically you are talking to your IM, your IM talks to your friend's IM, his/her IM talks to him/her. Arial fonts can't really tell much about the mood. That's why people behave quite differently online and in real life. Take for example Mildred, we hardly said hi when we saw each other in office, but when online, she's like totally different, calling me stupid and idiot when I refused to gossip, showing me the middle finger... (don't worried, she's attached, i'm safe)
I'm the opposite, more sane online.

what separates virtual from reality?
yea... i suffer the same problem, 260 contacts but i only talk to like 6 people, and half the time block the rest of them. but at least i know online and off, i'm still the same person who talks the same way, with the same personality.
xxoos, at 7/27/2006 12:27:00 AM
what separates virtual from reality? A lot of things. Keyboard, monitor, cable. Virtual reality you are talking about?
Reminds me of the friendster thingie you mentioned...
chillycraps, at 7/27/2006 09:00:00 PM
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