good bye compressors

Razman: So when does your contract end?
Chow: Today.
Razman:(stunned) Serious ah?
Today is the first day of the Chinese 7th month, also the last day of my temp assignment at Sanden.
The industrial attachment kid was saying, the roasted pig and stuff for the prayer were as though for my departure. Feel a bit bad to leave the company at the time when everyone is most busy preparing for the audit (and prayer). But even if I stay longer, there isn't much I can do, I think, since I've done everything nicely. So nice that the other sections have to catch up. *Proud*
Hmm, so what have I done over this 7 weeks and 2 days? Today I was transferring my folders (and destroying evidence simultaneously) and found out I had 900+ files in my folders. The most crazy one of course was making webpages using Microsoft Notepad and Microsoft Paint.
Really touched by the blessings from everyone, welcoming me to go back and work next time. Wish I had the chance (and courage) to know more people from the company, although today I did take the advantage of being my last day to behave more crazily~
Now I miss the blue.
Wah good good,next time internship or after graduate got opening for u liao.
Anonymous, at 7/26/2006 01:46:00 AM
but after seeing the operation there, not sure if I would want to end up there...
chillycraps, at 7/26/2006 06:39:00 AM
Its always good to leave a good impression behind, and its true that you are opening job opportunities for yourself in future. :)
Good work!
Alex Wong, at 7/26/2006 09:01:00 AM
I could see how important it is especially when they always complain about the attitude of that industrial attachment guy in my company.
Hope they ain't cursing and swearing at me now...
chillycraps, at 7/26/2006 09:43:00 AM
definitely a gd way of leaving an impression lor.. no matter wad.. even if it's not really gd.. the workin environment.. at least u know tat they will welcome u back into the company..
DJ Niwde, at 7/27/2006 09:56:00 PM
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