
I was in the pantry making myself a cup of coffee, then a colleague started chatting with me and in one swift motion, I poured out half a cup of coffee powder -_-" So going by the ratio of 1:2:3 of 1 spoon of coffee powder is to 2 spoons of sugar is to 3 spoons of creamer, I think my cup would've overflowed before I added the hot water...
Not wanting to waste food, nor doing the unhygenic act of pouring the powder back into the jar, I went ahead to add in the water. I took a sip, and for a moment I thought the caffeine could keep me awake for the whole World Cup tournament from start to end, qualifiers inclusive. It was hell lot more bitter than Chinese herbal tea.
Back to my seat, I couldn't take it anymore, so secretly I brought the cup to the toilet and poured it down the toilet bowl. Eek, the colour was like someone didn't flush after diahorrea.
I didn't dare touch coffee for the next few days.
firstly, how did you bring your cup to the toilet w/o anybody noticing it?
secondly, why didn't you just return to the pantry and pour it down the sink?
tstar, at 7/07/2006 09:01:00 PM
yeah, i realised. sigh... when I brought the cup out of the cubicle and threw it into the bin, people at the washing basin were looking at me weirdly...
chillycraps, at 7/07/2006 09:37:00 PM
haha... shucks, now I can't stop laughing at the thought of it... They might be thinking that either you pissed into the cup and then threw everything into the bin, or that you were doing your business and drinking coffee while doing it... hahaha..
tstar, at 7/07/2006 09:45:00 PM
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