
Sunday, May 28, 2006

flight of the fumble b

(I'll say 99% of undergrads with a blog are talking about their results)
Result was out yesterday 5pm. What I'm going to say is, except for my Military History of Singapore, all my modules have a B in them. (just like last semester, all bees)

Was a bit unhappy about the grades, but what the heaven, am I backside itchy or something? Before result was out I was worrying about failing or having to retake some modules, now that result is out I'm complaining about passing all my modules.. ermm I mean not getting better grades.

But then, one good thing is now the waiting is over. I've been so worried that I didn't dare clear my old notes, fearing that I may have to retake the modules. Pretty stupid right? One month of holiday in constant fear.

My CAP did improve a teeny weeny bit. Oh, I got S for Superb for my Military History of Singapore. =P


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